Friday, November 27, 2009

White House Baby Letter


Women love him ...
Hokuto and Nanto respect him ...
Chuck Norris has his number in the phone book ...
Wikipedia is preparing an article about him ... The Mayans predicted it
the birth ... Jhon
Connor wants him in the resistance and Skynet is afraid ...
Benjy is unable to ward off its rigors ... The
Aperol him as a testimonial ...
The desert calls him ...

Happy Birthday

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Number Of Chapters 90,000 Word Novel


service customers of 187, which I define as "the same question ten times, ten different answers" is one reason, albeit not the most, so I left Telecom. The principal is to me a price trimmed cabin they called Videophones .

After closing the contract with Telecom, they started sending me bills with a negative amount, the before € -16, and charge about 50 cents for shipping. After two months, € -15.50, with another charge, then at -15 €, etc.. etc.. So five years from now I'll start to have a debt with Telecom that will grow as the years.

When asked, the operators of the 187 have given fanciful explanations. One (25/11/2009) gave me three numbers of administrative services Telecom to be asked: 800/121181, 800/623623, 800/595805. Too bad that two non-existent and found to respond to a coop. But the best was the one by which bills must add that I get: that is, Telecom owes me € 16 +15.50 +15 ...

Frankly, before these answers I can not tell if there are or are ...

Update (01/26/2010): After I sent a registered letter, telling him to stop sending me bills ... they sent me the following.

Friday, November 13, 2009

What Liquids Can Be In A Camelbak

breaking down the barriers! Mr. Wisler

Berlin, 1989-2009
(which add up to ...) Everything can change

broke down ... the barriers that divide.
just have to want, and you can.

"... Too late

Tonight To drag the past out into the light We're one
, But We're Not The Same

We get to Carry Each Other"

"... We do not need no education We dont need no
thought control No dark sarcasm in the

Classroom Teachers Leave Them Kids Alone"

... Alexander Platz aufwiederseen
there was snow I
walking distance to the frontier:
"I come with you" The Moe's

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Poem To Ask For Money As A Gif

Crocodile Dundee! An Italian in Malta

SMS 02/10/2009
"The difference between our local beach and African beach? In the first: coconut, coconut, coconut beautiful ... The second: Coconut, coconut, coconut Dile! :-) "
by Wisler

Your last position is Kenya. Wisler as you see you're in the Tavern! :-) While you enjoy our beautiful paradise we're waiting anxiously for the report ... Every self-respecting holiday ;-) contains pearls of anecdotes! The Moe's

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How Do You Thaw Sausage Quickly?

Buses and taxis in Rome

I'm writing from Rome, where they work for. Buses in Rome, compared with those of Padua, are a marvel of efficiency and frequency. Although entitled to reimbursement of the taxi I had to give up, because the Termini train station I had to wait half an hour to line up, I just took the express bus number 90 which took me to your destination quickly.

Returning to the taxi is incredible that in the third millennium, the lobby Tassinari able to impose similar humiliations to customers. What is the politician who has backed them when they opposed the increase in licenses? Sandro Bertoloni? Milvio Berlucconi? Come on, come on, what with the easy joke ... just can not remember the name.

If there will be the Democratic Party primary vote for Bersani. At least he tried.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fireplace Mantels Blueprints

Sunday, August 30, 2009

7 Month Old Has Dry Cough

Manganelli media

Until yesterday I thought that Victor Felts was a journalist. A journalist of those hard against the tide, they write things that do not agree, but carry on with courage of their views and their own investigations. I admire them those journalists.

Then came the investigation of Dino Boffo, director of "Future," which the newspaper says it would be a "known homosexual" condemned harassment.

Now, any sensible person understands what a thing is irrelevant. If the future of writing nonsense, it proves the point. If the future is wrong to criticize Berlusconi for his private life, proves the fallacy of the facts stated or conclusions that are drawn. In this regard, I would say that the privacy of a man of government is different from the privacy of anyone else.

This is not journalism, something that is not worth the trouble to define. Fortunately, there is no longer the poor Montanelli, otherwise who knows what a pain to see the newspaper, which he wanted and created, reduced to bludgeon the media, an instrument of defamation against those who dare to criticize the Hegemon. Must be turning in his grave!

Update (09/27/2009): Filippo Facci, who knows him well, speaks bluntly of Victor Felts in this video on youtube. "We have seen a reversal of the pattern journalism." "Everything is a matter of shooting titles.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Best Way To Insert Into Rectum

One day, a life in Val Nana

  • Dad, I'll return to the jeep.
  • wait another ten minutes, Marcello. Let's see how you put your time. Then you decide whether to continue or not.

We Pass Man in val Nana. The val Nana, in the Brenta, is an extensive plateau, the altitude of 2100 m, surrounded on three sides by a sort of mountain range of dolomite rock. I try to accompany this description with a couple of pictures, but I know that does not make it.
None of the images that the public describes the feeling of estrangement from the world, caused by the scents of the vegetation at high altitude, the silence broken by a gentle breeze, the alarm whistles of marmots, the tinkling bells of the goats away. Loneliness is often total. Neither the photograph describes the blue sky high mountain, when will really be of that color, or the flight of the lonely. With maturity, I learned to understand that some people are not sensitive to these things, I came to the conclusion that perhaps it is because they are sensitive, and that's it. About half of the left side of the valley Nana opens a fissure in the rock. It is invisible until you are close, because the crack is not perpendicular to the cordillera, but parallel: we say that the wall formed by the mountain, flat and vertical, there is another, parallel, and further down to about ten meters. Between the two walls, a climb takes you from the share of the downstream portion of the Cordillera: you're in Step Man. I have a picture of 2003 (hot summer) where you do not see what my memory was present in all other years: a block of snow, relatively small, say less than ten meters, preserved because of ' absence of direct sunlight. Once up in altitude, you are between the Andes and what's out there. At this point there is a kind of amphitheater formed by huge blocks of rock.
you can lie on any of them, are very flat. Between one and another of the deep fissures. My friend Paul, when I was a boy, did we fall into the cap of the flask of brandy to my dad. When I returned, Dad was angry a lot. Let's go back to the amphitheater. If there is a theater, there is also a stage here not, here is the void of the cliff, and over 1000 meters down, you can admire the famous Lake Tovel. In short, this is a wonderful place in the mountains. I know a few of the most beautiful, perhaps even none. If you happen to, go there.

My father brought me here so many times that I think I still hear his voice saying the things that always told me when we came here. The beauty of nature, longing for my father who recently passed away, I got to have its place in this combination of adult and transmit knowledge and memories of a boy, creating a combination Heartbreaking and feed the memory. The cross, engraved with the name Penasa, born in 1891. Dad told me he was the father of Mr. Lorusso, who had a hut at Hut Clesera. I barely remember him, died when I was a kid, he smoked like a turkish and his wife, who died too, smoked a lot. When one says "good people" I do the image of people like them. Dad told me that when Lake Tovel is the fog, you have to run away immediately, otherwise you may miss the references of the path, as probably happened to the poor Penasa: lost the trail, tried to take the way back to the case, eventually located on the edge of the cliff (remember? the valley is bounded by a wall formed by the nearly vertical mountains) and from there slid 50 meters down. The voice of my dad tells me this and many other things, tells me about his misfortunes that I may learn from his mistakes. Never, ever go to a lawyer and sue someone. The cases last for decades and cost you a fortune on lawyers.

Today is the mist from the lake, but I decided not to run away as did my dad. I read the predictions on . I know that they are never wrong, I trust, and the forecast for today is good.

  • Dad, I'll return to the jeep.

Marcello wants to go back to the jeep and I would almost agree. The alternative is to move forward on the path of Palete. Trail Palete is classified as severe with some exposed climbing route and suddenly shod. Severo. Among the terms that may indicate that a hike in the mountains could go to end badly, this is the word that strikes me most fear. Do not "risky", not "dangerous." Those are terms from citizens who see a grassy slope with a gradient of 50 degrees and we believe that one can slip down and die. More than dangerous, the mountain is severe, it was also written on a poster of the Alpine Club many years ago. Wants be respected, not likes to play and if you do not behave, can punish you. Woe to those who go on mountain hikes in sneakers or dare to go out in bad weather. Visit any of the many churches in the Alps. All are covered with pictures of young men equipped Ganzi rock at all points, disappeared prematurely. Back to us, we would still all over the trail Palete, it would take eight hours at a good pace and we are slow and late. We would do just a little bit and then went down to the lake. Ultimately, we are citizens and we do not have a preparation of mountaineers. Or we can go back. I told Marc that he will decide.

  • Dad, look at the clouds are coming. I will get back to the jeep.

  • Come on, let's move on. So you see what's next step, you've never seen.

  • But it's a long way?

  • Yes, it is long, but it's almost all downhill.

  • Okay. Come on.

And so we prepare for the harsh way. Before long, and I see the nightmare the night before. The word nightmare is not considered in the literal sense, since I spent the night in white. But even if you watched, I kept seeing my nightmare: the passage of the trail, exposed on the cliff, which appears before us. From the outside, my behavior is strange, if not irresponsible: I'm bringing my son, relatively fast in the mountains, on a path that scares me so much not letting me sleep a wink all night.

overcome what I consider the point of no return. Now we dance and we dance. My heart was pounding. I focus and do not force me to tremble with his legs.

I am a depressed. A slightly depressed, which means I'm not too bad to ruin the lives of those who are close to me, but still enough to suffer from unnecessary suffering. The depression has exploded a few years ago, I was sleeping 20 hours a day and not eat, I lost ten pounds, then the drugs and psychotherapy have helped me, maybe not healed, but I lead a decent life. My disease is to suppress my feelings, to hide under the carpet so to speak psychic emotions. For some reason, I do not know, since he was young, I decided that my feelings were to be placed in the background, perhaps because disreputable (I wish someone would die?) Or perhaps simply because they made me suffer. But beware, when the depressed repressed emotions, represses all: even the positive ones. I give to my feelings and my suffering little consequence. I think it is very difficult to understand for those who do not suffer from these problems and also for those who suffer without awareness. To make a little 'idea, I'm convinced I deeply love my wife and my children only after many sessions of psychoanalysis. Before I did not think so. I thought a bear, a hard ice that shit. I treat my loved ones with a certain detachment, because it represses the feeling but the feeling exists, is strong and does everything to get out. The depressed

is hostile to himself, so he wants to keep from enjoying the finer things in life. The most difficult periods I've had in my life coincided with promotions. If I go for a holiday, I feel bad. Without false modesty, I have some evidence to suggest, to be more intelligent than average. So I often clever things to say. But when I'm about to tell you my mind is suffering from a kind of cognitive lock and I can not find the words, except when the debate is over and it is too late. I like playing online tresette. I'm not a strong player but I have strategies and a bit 'of experience. Many times, when they are already close to victory, are in a situation such as making a goal into an empty net, that's wrong and I lose. I'm stuck. Playing the wrong card and when I do, that block is less cognitive and I am immediately aware of the error egregious. So at a stroke can ruin something that was giving me pleasure, a deserved win at the game, and create an occasion for anger against myself, in a word, filling up with petrol engine of depression.

The next time I see him with his eyes, and not only with memory, this monster that has terrorized me in the dark of night. I do some 'shots with the camera.

The monster has saved me several times before in his life. The first time I had 16 years in the company of an experienced friend in the mountains, I attempted the crossing. The self-styled expert, just framed the path, melted like snow in the sun, citing muscle problems, and we had to go back.

had to face the monster alone, now man. I found that was not at all a monster. Gave at best a strange feeling to see the corners of the emptiness that follows you, that's all. Then, a bit 'irresponsibly, we also took the old son of friends. So why the fear that seemed to be hoped, that indeed I had never really had, was out when it was time to bring my other son, the firstborn Germano? Even then, as this time, did not sleep the night before. Now that I'm in analysis the reason is clear: given the emotional relationship that ties me to my son, the engine of the depression went into action to ruin the positive emotions associated with that experience.

Germano is very conservative, so to speak, on the edge of the wimp. To do this go there and we both legammo sling rope. From a security perspective, this procedure merely ensures that in case of accident victims are in even numbers. However, even though it is an absurdity climbing, be linked to me and I reassured him followed. He reassured me, too, in that it put an end to the ambitions of my son climbing.

Marcello goes on quietly and unlike me also has the courage to look down.

Depression is always a chance to make something pretty nasty. Depression is arguing with your wife on the day that you promote. Turn a day trip, to a place of breathtaking beauty, in a stressful experience. In fact, I suffered from stress and fatigue, but I have not won on the depression. I'm exhausted, sunburnt, got blisters on feet, calves, pierced by the hooks of the boots, but I am happy, at least today. Who knows how it goes with Anna, in a little 'for years, even if I have the energy to condurcela.

I knew that the crossing is within our reach. It takes only without legs, do not suffer from vertigo and that the weather is good. This is why I decided to do it. The rest is depression.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What Do Pierced Nipples Mean?

Digital music

You know sometimes you have something in mind and can not in any way to express it. New ideas, but can not be translated into reality. A mix of reasoning, germs of innovation, but who can not find land on which crescere.Un enormous sense of unease, it seems to have music in magma and not being able to express by conventional means. Then fate comes into play, and looking for iPhone applications you come across one that grabs your attention only from the name: "Sniff_JazzBox.

What is this? A complete mix of language and music through the machine and human feelings, emotions and wireless, straming and musical notation. This program can talk to the city.

In practice, it scans the surrounding environment in search of wireless networks, picks up the name of the access point and filter it in this letter (Example: GOOD> B = yes, I E = notation in Anglo-Saxon), the square on a sheet scrolling and makes playing the trumpet, the piano, percussion, based on signal strength. This leads to scenarios
music changing and always in motion, where the melody is an opinion, where the composition is the movement through the city.

Walk the streets near the bar and here it seems that Monk has just stepped on an agreement with evil, turn the corner to reach the shrine and a passage reminds you of the brilliant Jarrett koln concert space ... to the imagination!

This is media art, this is progress, concept, and experience, is gambling, cock it is jazz! A better name was difficult.

A form of musical experimentation that can generate brilliant sound material, create incredible ideas, which may not boring and that creates new interpretations for modern devices available in the twenty-first century.
If Miles had a aggieggio so ...

Monday, July 27, 2009

High Resolution Cricket

To save more lives

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Left Side Face And Right Side Face Uneven

Facebook: new groups are growing ... Guides

"When in doubt, tonight I imbriago"

"Better two negroni front rather than behind "

" I sell everything and open a bar on the beach in Bora Bora "

And the more you have, and so forth! ... to be continued

Free Trust Transfer Deed California

vs English dialect - Update 1.3.

pan al pan, vin al vin

Na scarpa e un socoeo

ma vuto metare?


In 4 e 4 otto

A te si deicato come e tete dea regina

Semo ne e man dea poja.

te stè a vardare el cavejo

Cori, va a

'sto casso

ma chi xè che teo fa fare?

a 'co not to Xe giornada

and daggers Unco, and daggers tomorrow

I do not ciavar a chest

Semo to cavaeo

'M SO HUNGRY THAT I can not see
go hungry than not ghe na I'VE GOT TWO

ghe go do it maroni

Mori by a blow

Scoltame here

Desso porches

Porco and drilling

Me so ingamberà

Te Institute

Rassa de

NOW THERE ARE stupid dicks
Desso x is the cassi

Pian with Christ that if processions Desf

Vanti with Christ which processions if ingruma

El xe bad as el coer

El xe onto ago el Paltan

No ge xe gnanca a can

ass time ago and appears when you Siori Iori

El soe magna hours

Chi caga no sciopa

Seto you? (Poit never understanding won?)

Me na faria shadow (bevaria 'na Ombret)

El weighs the dangers

me you fe el let them come late to xenoci.

To Sea Vacation.

you to ghe Ciapa teeth.

bato you like a persimmon

Head of peri

uncle can!

shit goes

porseo can (can pork)

DOG Entrails
bueo can

COMING BY LEG bikes I MAKE! To come into
bicicleta Fasso leg!

you talk like a book! DO NOT LOOK FOR

is not looking fregoe par de el leto!

So the last of dear roda

head who is not ga ga legs

Xe Fassie fenoci do with the other cueo

Thursday, July 16, 2009

January 12 Significance

Sax and Kaisa

I want to share a project I'm working with a friend, drummer and percussionist.

This is a duo stimolantissimo Sax-Tromba/Kaisa and possibly Djambi.

This is really interesting pieces, with a beautiful structure, articulated in such a way as to make it boring my absolute nor the song itself (you know, use only the pentatonic is the limitation of this instrument, in the long tired) , out of tune with modulations, rhythmic counterpoint etc. He is very good, excellent invent rhythms, and attitudes polyrhythmic. For now, we have developed and spread out three, for a total duration of about half an hour, alternating between saxophone solos, Kaisa bridge, resulting unison ... the atmosphere is very beautiful and special, it reminds me a lot of music Trane's ... (not my doing of course), and that's incredible, in some unison accompany him on trumpet (yes, in the meantime I bought it, and I began to play even one )

inannzitutto Our idea is to have fun and go play in the street, because we're going to ask for more rehearsed with the local Our demo, and I think a group so special, and minutes (less people to pay) will be successful in the most snobbish ...

Amount Of Daylight Gained Daily After Solstice

Without a song

Freddie said that this was one of his best performances ever recorded
says producer Michael Cuscuna

When, shortly before he died, I made him hear these recordings did as a kid, jumping up and down. He was excited and enthusiastic, could not wait that the disk was published ... wanted to hear who was the real Freddie Hubbard

every review I think is unnecessary ..

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Grand Banks Trawlers For Sale

& Straight Chaser please ... Percussion

is called hot jazz or classical musicians, and sometimes instead called Straight , in slang, it means just playing Straight play straight, without swing too modern and sometimes unrealistic ...

In those years, when the bar was ordered a & Straight Chaser it was served with a whiskey to drink a beer here.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Bluefilmmysore Mallige

Treat yourself with the swine flu grappa, namely: the statistical validation - First episode

ANSA - Professor. University of Vienna Hans Krupp said he had found a cure to improve the course of influenza H1N1, better known as swine flu. Have found, or rather to have rediscovered the care of the grandmother, milk and brandy. In one experiment, he administered twice daily in ten patients the cure of his grandmother. The result was that the duration of fever was two and a half days, compared to the average of three patients treated by other means. The scientific community is very divided on the validity of the experiment.

As you may understand, this unusual post is about statistics. More precisely, is how it is possible to draw conclusions from a statistical survey, in this case, the effectiveness of treatment.

Ask yourself if the experiment of Dr. Krupp is valid. The answer is that relying on data alone can not establish the agency ANSA. To do this, we need information about dispersion data. To understand what this loss, we assume two possible scenarios.

In the first scenario we assume that not only the fever caused by swine flu lasts on average three days, ie 72 hours, but almost always have that time. Suppose that patients are rare, untreated or treated by other means, have a fever that lasts less than 70 hours or more than 74. Then ten patients who on average have 60 hours of fever are difficult to explain by coincidence, and we are led to believe they really care functions grandmother. This is a scenario of data with low dispersion.

The second scenario is a scenario of high dispersion. In this scenario, so the fever lasts three days, on average, but there are many sufferers of which lasts one or two days and more or less the same number which lasts four to five days. To fix ideas, in two-thirds of cases, the fever lasts from 48 to 96 hours. In this case, a person of logic is found full of doubts. It may well be that by prof. Krupp works, but instead could be that he randomly chose ten patients of the most robust and has relied on an erroneous conclusion.

In this second scenario, every person of good sense in this case invited Professor. Krupp to repeat the experiment, perhaps in 100 patients. If it should happen that in this new experiment, the average is 66 hours, what can be inferred? Imagine a debate between a fan of the prof. Krupp (K) and a skeptic (S).

K: The experiment was a success! See fact that the average duration of fever in 100 people is less than the duration for untreated patients.

S: It will also be lower, but I would not say that the experiment has been successful. Between 66 hours and 72 hours the difference is small. This is probably due to the fact that patients were chosen in an area where people are generally healthier and more robust.

K: What you say is false. Patients had not selected them to the professor, but an independent statistical agency that has chosen a representative sample by age, health status and residence.

S: But will agree that a gain of less than six hours of fever is very little, it takes something else to say that it found a cure.

K: But it is a step forward. For some, the fever was 24 hours.

S: Yes, but the data I read that others have lasted a week. So what do we do? I would say that with a range so strong, that the fever lasted an average of 66 hours instead of 72 was only one case.

K: No. 66 hours is less than 72 hours, but since the average is about 100 people, the result confirms the validity care.

S: Bullshit! For 30% of patients the fever has lasted even longer than four days, how can you say that these data mean anything? Those numbers are meaningless.

K: It does.

S: No.

K: Yes

S: No. ..

The statistic has an accurate way to tell who is right between K and S. With calculations for the time being thorough, you can determine with some precision what happens if we choose a group of one hundred patients (called sample hundred patients) not processed. These calculations lead to a result like this:

in 99% of cases, the average temperature in a sample of one hundred patients between hours x and y hours.

This is the most difficult concept of this post. The sentence means that if you take a lot, but many!, Groups of 100 patients, and each group, the average, in 99% of this average is between x and y . The beauty is not necessary to take really many hundreds of patients: the statistic calculates x and y from the media and the values \u200b\u200bof the dispersion are known. How do you calculate those values, is a question that we address in this post. Instead, we are interested in the conclusions to be drawn on by Krupp. Consider two possibilities.

  1. Suppose that the average found by prof. Krupp, 66 hours, is a smaller value of x . If the treatment of brandy and milk does not work, it would mean that the prof. Krupp would have found itself in front of a quell'1% of samples from patients with abnormal media. It 'hard to believe that one chooses a random sample and should take just one flawed, because in fact we do not believe, in this case it is concluded that the treatment has an effect that may be small, but detectable.

  2. Conversely, suppose the value of 66 hours is between x and y . This would mean that between samples "normal" of 100 untreated patients there are also many for whom the average duration of fever of 66 hours or less! So in this case the statistic gives up. It may be that care Krupp works, but it may be that the deviation from the average duration of 72 hours is simple randomness. In this case, we conclude that the experimental data is not significant, that is not a test. Warning: it is not proven the effectiveness of treatment, but its not even work!

conclusion. Here is some simplification was made. For example, when making medical or pharmacological experiments, it is usually a second sample (called control sample) with a traditional treatment or a placebo treatment. This is because it is a known effect, called placebo effect, for which a treatment with ineffective drugs (such as such as a sugar pill) may have therapeutic effects, due to psychological mechanisms. Then one has to say that any statistical method as it focuses on a certain effect (duration of fever), but is unable to clarify whether this effect was really positive consequences (who tells me that complications are not more frequent when the fever lasts less?)

I adopted the same principle as in some previous post, talking about tressette . And I must admit that I have a little 'made the fool. Meanwhile, when I wrote that the statistics say we are in the normal range, actually I should say that the statistic that says could be to normal, we are like the case 2) of those treated above. In addition, the statistical analysis that I made about the average loads in one hand, because that is what we often complain. But the randomness is a much more complicated. Imagine a software that is random according to the developers, but to distribute loads three-player hands, always . The media is correct, but there seems to be a truly random distribution? I think not.

But an important thing to add. Laymen believe that whoever wrote the software for playing tressette GDM ( ) has also made itself some mechanism to create randomness. I have not seen the software, but I am sure it is not. The random number generation is implemented in any programming language, including, I do not know, that the creators of this site will be adopted. This generation is studied in heavy tomes by barbosa pounds of computer scientists, many years. All the technical characteristics of random generation have known (really called pseudorandom ) absolutely reliable. That is why, in my opinion, it is impossible that the GDM software distributes cards in a way different from what we recognize as random.

(End of first bet. If you are interested in their own accounts, there will be a second.)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Is Implantation Blood Mucosy

Alcohol & Wisler vs Rafting & Hydrospeed

Sunday, June 14, 2009

American Softcore Actress

typical statement put by parents and famous phrases (Veneto) For children

Bocia, SpA and legs and a fireplace!
Vara and legs that you scavesso Sora Zenock ... Vara
that you exchange the banknotes!
Vara quea and x is the door ...
I jumped in the ditches to age par longo!
to me at age x jero
Desso you tired of working there you get el booklet de Laor!
Tajate the Caveja that you fe Afan!
Tajate the Caveja that you ghe co peoci the license to become ... Te
Voria little on Russia to de ti ... X is that you
mejo co scampi and legs that suits you ... ghe
then you cried in greek, so no theoretical buy. No strassinare
is the footer. No
is Savatiano. No
cometh there to do that is like!
Omo avis ...... TUTO saved!
Vara you that yes gold ...
Vara you shore man roersa na!
Vara you in methodological coèjio! This
x is at home asagna goddess .... About that no Laora magna no!
Gheto Ciapa own example from the most stupid ....... Bon
from Paltan noffink as el! Varda
paloma el trio: 2 and seeded in a coma!
Magna tasi!
Shame x is now! Shame on you my
No te!
Dai, dehydration something !!!!!.. Try to talk if you corajo ghe! But
seeded site! Stamen
far ...
co Vardamir you speak!
Go away before you copa!
Gheto felt the agony that appears when you go finger!! X is the
soeo criminai which is around a note ... The
amiss not to my ga na fameja?
But I credit that manufactures Schei of the night?
Gheto smoking and drugs? Jere
orange quea that you vomit ghe is known?
to me like you mind! Varda luni
that x is a working day.
goes into stramonium! Varda
that turn of the manege goddess SCOA
As fate you that you gò Desf
Varda me that cable nà savata
Gheto Moreto that you need from a stage drio and rancor and chel strasse? Te Petenà
site? Varda
that you want and you tend
de rivare hours? Te
vedarè when that no longer ghe brown and serve
Cò Mj you died hungry dala
Slow motion co Chea
dressed you CIAPI el snare
Cavate and shoes before de n'dare about PAE SCAE
yet you you change?
Almanco butea shame and stuff you wash in ghe strasse dapartuto camara
How boring that you Vè dala leads to a contribution in you fuminante Chea
N'antro paro de camara shoes you you you buy? We will only
nà camara pae
shoes is not a vin bevare stomego vodo
Cossa veto do you chel bar full Onti semrpe coa de cica in boca? Te
bon wing of age to get there by tuti vèdare those who conosse me .... Co
you walk down before you ever feel .. but nà spussa cossa fume?
Cò chee sbuderate Coj fioi Asia and four hours in the bar side and from na co goto
scar from staltra
Co is home to think GHEO digo
miga x is not working now you vague?
Sbassa Chea teevision breast Fasso give Tochi
A Go Fiolo only a stupid and hip

Thursday, June 11, 2009

New Ways To Do Makeup

Thought of the evening

While I correct the papers, I think the students of the Faculty of Engineering who now have them carried out. Some are really beautiful, others are at least young people, who are already be halfway beauty. I looked fascinated and I was reminded of an interview with Letizia, who set out to make a career in show business or, as it were the same thing in politics:

Naomi, when we see in politics, the next regional? "No, I prefer to run for the House, the parliament. We think Papi Silvio. "

the region is fine, too little: he wants the parliament directly. And I wondered, but when the substance has less of shit, who makes him do these girls massacred in studying mathematics, physics, chemistry and get mouth until a staid old baron like me is not satisfied because they have learned to thread and sign all the theorems?

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Goddard School Kindergarten Teacher

Fascists in

I write these notes without even knowing the final results, as is inevitable, but providing yet another election victory of Silvio Berlusconi.

My first thought is that after more than sixty years, the democratic attitude of Italians are just a formality, but in fact, inside, we were a large majority of the fascists. Accurate: I do not believe that our premier is fascist, but I think that they are his constituents, in the depths of their unconscious. There has been strong in this man's desire, who thinks of everything, everything works out and frees us of the need to think about the common thing. There is fine if it is strong, there must be even better if it is arrogant and even more if his arrogance is performed with a nerve. The popular attitude towards politics is comparable to that in respect of football fans ourselves in. So Berlusconi supporters have to see him prevail over his enemies, not realizing that they are, in most cases, themselves on the side of the vanquished. Why is defeated, in Italy this corrupt, the taxpayers, who loses his job, who barely pulls ahead until the end of the month, those who respect the rules.

I am reluctant to add something to the thousands of pages that explain how our Prime Minister is unpresentable. I try with a small summary. Here are some categories of people in Europe or the United States not only could not be head of government, but would even be doomed to disappear from the political scene: 1) a politician who legislates in conflict with their economic interests, 2) a political controls the media, and 3) a politician who attacks the judiciary daily, wrongly or reason, 4) a politician who makes a law decriminalizing crime of which he is accused; 5) a politician who insults of MEPs from other countries by giving them the "Kapo '" or wait for me to do a head of government of the other host the red carpet, because he has to talk to the phone, 6) a politician who does not want the press to clarify all the details of his relationship with a minor and otherwise threaten and sue the newspapers that deal with it; 7) a policy which Mills's lawyer to write "I Turned Some very tricky corners, to put it mildly, and I Kept Mr B out of a great deal of trouble That I Would Have Said I Had Landed Him In all I knew." (I worked around some dangerous corners, to put it mildly, taking In this way Mr. B out of a lot of trouble in which it would have taken me if I said everything I knew.) Well, if one of these advanced features in the Western world precludes a person forever from politics, to be able to stay in the saddle possessing all seven together and makes people happy as a victory for Berlusconi's Italy. And if it were true that some ministers are such merits of bed, this is further evidence of power and therefore a victory even more tasty. What can I say, pleased them. Too bad that Italy and Mr. B have become the joke of the whole Western world, confirmation, which really did not feel the need, of stereotypes and prejudices that beyond the Alps feed on the Italians. To me this joke makes me laugh. To me this joke shows how backward is still a democratic culture in our country.

We Italians turn to Europe, but not see it. We do not see the huge gap of citizenship that separates us from them. We do not see that the collection, their, do it for twenty years, which have the incinerator in the city, who pay the ticket on the bus. We do not see that truck drivers drive even twenty hours a day, in complete disregard of traffic rules, while just passing the border you put it into rule. We look to have tax evasion of degree that may be considered a social conflict. It 'an infinite provincialism that leads us not to see these things, or if by chance we see them, to make a smile of derision and to consider smarter than the people who live in the fog. But if a truck driving twenty hours, or one that says you buy a 10,000 euro and X5 can be considered the smart ones, individually, an entire nation that does not respect the rules creates a social and economic disaster that backfires on those very clever This is clear.

We are culturally backward in the sense of democratic culture. It confuses the political participation with the fans and for tifiamo powerful man, overbearing and arrogant. Mussolini with the face of the twenty-first century. Mussolini was not a bad politician, in the initial phase of his regime. The abolition democratic freedoms today is an abomination, but it was a different historical period. There was order, the trains operated on time and mail delivery was faster than today, just as today Berlusconi quickly solved the waste problem in Naples, shamefully left standing from the previous management of the center. But then, the absence of opposition in Mussolini generated an illusion of infallibility and choices led him to disaster and ruin of their country. This is not to repeat the mistake: having a head of government to the above criticism and laws. We have to knock the snout again? We have to wait for the economic decline, unemployment and international isolation to start thinking about politics in a more mature?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Metal Core Wheels Blue And Black Wheels

reading the book about the work of Behind Coltrane A Love Supreme, I really understood how important they are in the low group, and most importantly the battery. In the quartet's historic John played Elvin Jones, known for his polyrhythmic dowry, which he said some 'the cornerstones of jazz drumming "classic" (excuse the oxymoron!).
Lately I'm so very interesting to the percussionists, who are not, contrary to the pop and rock, relegated to mere human metronomes, but a part of the music. John himself will appear in public with two drummers, or rather a drummer and a percussionist in his later production. It should be enough to understand the importance in a quartet.
coninvolgente A rhythmic, insistent that no without breaks or fantasies to fill the mentally beat or upbeat, by the listener in my opinion is what makes a song a mediocre track extremely valuable. An example of this is the aforementioned Elvin Jones, but also interesting contempranei Odwalla, led by Massimo Barbiero, where the mix of Latin rhythms, oriental fusion, creating a lovely atmosphere, full of sound material to ensure the soloist many, too many improvisational ideas (have you ever wondered why Coltrane was playing a solo for hours?). Then
beautiful, the beautiful jazz drummer. A few elements with which you can create crazy rhythms. As for his philosophy Elvin planned to use all the drums and percussion in his available to create new scenarios and always in motion. Looking at the drumkit of Barbiero then, so rough, essential, gives the impression of lightness, and an intense rhythm of India, with percussion ranging from rattles to strange dishes hanging perpendicular to the ground.

An example in my opinion worthy of note, is given by this wonderful video of Masada, the historic group of composer / musician / eclectic, and so on and so forth, John Zorn. The oriental air, the dynamics of the percussionist, the sharp sound of Zorn ... magma sound levels Trane dear ...

Sunday, May 31, 2009

By What Date Will Nj Disability W2 Be Sent Out

play with the waves

you want to talk a little something interesting regarding the world of sound. As I wondered what it was for the phase reversal on my preamp, I investigated further, and I discovered that in a situation stereo, a partial reversal of the sign of a canal, undo some of the dynamic range of sounds, if the inversion undo them is total.
In particular it is useful to know for example when recording with a microphone above and one below a snare drum, where the signals will necessarily what reversed.
Well, things not to believe, but the math does not make a wrong here either. If you record two sinusoids with a recording program (I used audacity)

and the reversed phase, pressing play, not feels absolutely nothing! (Note the empty spectrum analyzer, a track start)

Instead, the separate tracks sound classical emit continuous sine wave (here the analyzer, with a muted track, also marks the obvious trend waveform graph):

Again, if the two tracks mixed into one channel, the result will be that!

No tricks no deception: at every instant of time the signal amplitude of a channel is coupled with its negative corrispetitvo (+ x-x = 0).

Thursday, May 28, 2009

How To Hook Up Phone Time Warner Cable

Harmony II Skatckes

Here the second episode.
This time we look at the so-called "families", ie the degrees of the scale who are harmonically equivalent harmonized, and that lend themselves well to the now famous and abusatissime "replacement agreement".

The first family is to Tonica, within which the I grade III and VI of the major scale harmonized

CΔ7 (level I) Em7 (grade III) and Am7 (sixth grade)

In fact we shared the notes of these three agreements:

(yes, this is a picture of my notebook, I did not want to go up to the scanner or scan them .. with some notation program)

then there a second family, call Dominant , they belong to the V and VII degrees

then: G7 and BBO (remember that the examples are always in the key of C)

And lastly family subdominant II and IV and

Dm7 FΔ7

Try to include progressions on Band in a Box and you will see that it works ...

example, on a blues in C:

Standard outline

C7 time and making it lively with rapid chord changes, creating new scenarios and improvisational atmosphere!