Sunday, June 7, 2009

Goddard School Kindergarten Teacher

Fascists in

I write these notes without even knowing the final results, as is inevitable, but providing yet another election victory of Silvio Berlusconi.

My first thought is that after more than sixty years, the democratic attitude of Italians are just a formality, but in fact, inside, we were a large majority of the fascists. Accurate: I do not believe that our premier is fascist, but I think that they are his constituents, in the depths of their unconscious. There has been strong in this man's desire, who thinks of everything, everything works out and frees us of the need to think about the common thing. There is fine if it is strong, there must be even better if it is arrogant and even more if his arrogance is performed with a nerve. The popular attitude towards politics is comparable to that in respect of football fans ourselves in. So Berlusconi supporters have to see him prevail over his enemies, not realizing that they are, in most cases, themselves on the side of the vanquished. Why is defeated, in Italy this corrupt, the taxpayers, who loses his job, who barely pulls ahead until the end of the month, those who respect the rules.

I am reluctant to add something to the thousands of pages that explain how our Prime Minister is unpresentable. I try with a small summary. Here are some categories of people in Europe or the United States not only could not be head of government, but would even be doomed to disappear from the political scene: 1) a politician who legislates in conflict with their economic interests, 2) a political controls the media, and 3) a politician who attacks the judiciary daily, wrongly or reason, 4) a politician who makes a law decriminalizing crime of which he is accused; 5) a politician who insults of MEPs from other countries by giving them the "Kapo '" or wait for me to do a head of government of the other host the red carpet, because he has to talk to the phone, 6) a politician who does not want the press to clarify all the details of his relationship with a minor and otherwise threaten and sue the newspapers that deal with it; 7) a policy which Mills's lawyer to write "I Turned Some very tricky corners, to put it mildly, and I Kept Mr B out of a great deal of trouble That I Would Have Said I Had Landed Him In all I knew." (I worked around some dangerous corners, to put it mildly, taking In this way Mr. B out of a lot of trouble in which it would have taken me if I said everything I knew.) Well, if one of these advanced features in the Western world precludes a person forever from politics, to be able to stay in the saddle possessing all seven together and makes people happy as a victory for Berlusconi's Italy. And if it were true that some ministers are such merits of bed, this is further evidence of power and therefore a victory even more tasty. What can I say, pleased them. Too bad that Italy and Mr. B have become the joke of the whole Western world, confirmation, which really did not feel the need, of stereotypes and prejudices that beyond the Alps feed on the Italians. To me this joke makes me laugh. To me this joke shows how backward is still a democratic culture in our country.

We Italians turn to Europe, but not see it. We do not see the huge gap of citizenship that separates us from them. We do not see that the collection, their, do it for twenty years, which have the incinerator in the city, who pay the ticket on the bus. We do not see that truck drivers drive even twenty hours a day, in complete disregard of traffic rules, while just passing the border you put it into rule. We look to have tax evasion of degree that may be considered a social conflict. It 'an infinite provincialism that leads us not to see these things, or if by chance we see them, to make a smile of derision and to consider smarter than the people who live in the fog. But if a truck driving twenty hours, or one that says you buy a 10,000 euro and X5 can be considered the smart ones, individually, an entire nation that does not respect the rules creates a social and economic disaster that backfires on those very clever This is clear.

We are culturally backward in the sense of democratic culture. It confuses the political participation with the fans and for tifiamo powerful man, overbearing and arrogant. Mussolini with the face of the twenty-first century. Mussolini was not a bad politician, in the initial phase of his regime. The abolition democratic freedoms today is an abomination, but it was a different historical period. There was order, the trains operated on time and mail delivery was faster than today, just as today Berlusconi quickly solved the waste problem in Naples, shamefully left standing from the previous management of the center. But then, the absence of opposition in Mussolini generated an illusion of infallibility and choices led him to disaster and ruin of their country. This is not to repeat the mistake: having a head of government to the above criticism and laws. We have to knock the snout again? We have to wait for the economic decline, unemployment and international isolation to start thinking about politics in a more mature?


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