Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How Do You Thaw Sausage Quickly?

Buses and taxis in Rome

I'm writing from Rome, where they work for. Buses in Rome, compared with those of Padua, are a marvel of efficiency and frequency. Although entitled to reimbursement of the taxi I had to give up, because the Termini train station I had to wait half an hour to line up, I just took the express bus number 90 which took me to your destination quickly.

Returning to the taxi is incredible that in the third millennium, the lobby Tassinari able to impose similar humiliations to customers. What is the politician who has backed them when they opposed the increase in licenses? Sandro Bertoloni? Milvio Berlucconi? Come on, come on, what with the easy joke ... just can not remember the name.

If there will be the Democratic Party primary vote for Bersani. At least he tried.


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