Sunday, June 14, 2009

American Softcore Actress

typical statement put by parents and famous phrases (Veneto) For children

Bocia, SpA and legs and a fireplace!
Vara and legs that you scavesso Sora Zenock ... Vara
that you exchange the banknotes!
Vara quea and x is the door ...
I jumped in the ditches to age par longo!
to me at age x jero
Desso you tired of working there you get el booklet de Laor!
Tajate the Caveja that you fe Afan!
Tajate the Caveja that you ghe co peoci the license to become ... Te
Voria little on Russia to de ti ... X is that you
mejo co scampi and legs that suits you ... ghe
then you cried in greek, so no theoretical buy. No strassinare
is the footer. No
is Savatiano. No
cometh there to do that is like!
Omo avis ...... TUTO saved!
Vara you that yes gold ...
Vara you shore man roersa na!
Vara you in methodological coèjio! This
x is at home asagna goddess .... About that no Laora magna no!
Gheto Ciapa own example from the most stupid ....... Bon
from Paltan noffink as el! Varda
paloma el trio: 2 and seeded in a coma!
Magna tasi!
Shame x is now! Shame on you my
No te!
Dai, dehydration something !!!!!.. Try to talk if you corajo ghe! But
seeded site! Stamen
far ...
co Vardamir you speak!
Go away before you copa!
Gheto felt the agony that appears when you go finger!! X is the
soeo criminai which is around a note ... The
amiss not to my ga na fameja?
But I credit that manufactures Schei of the night?
Gheto smoking and drugs? Jere
orange quea that you vomit ghe is known?
to me like you mind! Varda luni
that x is a working day.
goes into stramonium! Varda
that turn of the manege goddess SCOA
As fate you that you gò Desf
Varda me that cable nà savata
Gheto Moreto that you need from a stage drio and rancor and chel strasse? Te Petenà
site? Varda
that you want and you tend
de rivare hours? Te
vedarè when that no longer ghe brown and serve
Cò Mj you died hungry dala
Slow motion co Chea
dressed you CIAPI el snare
Cavate and shoes before de n'dare about PAE SCAE
yet you you change?
Almanco butea shame and stuff you wash in ghe strasse dapartuto camara
How boring that you Vè dala leads to a contribution in you fuminante Chea
N'antro paro de camara shoes you you you buy? We will only
nà camara pae
shoes is not a vin bevare stomego vodo
Cossa veto do you chel bar full Onti semrpe coa de cica in boca? Te
bon wing of age to get there by tuti vèdare those who conosse me .... Co
you walk down before you ever feel .. but nà spussa cossa fume?
Cò chee sbuderate Coj fioi Asia and four hours in the bar side and from na co goto
scar from staltra
Co is home to think GHEO digo
miga x is not working now you vague?
Sbassa Chea teevision breast Fasso give Tochi
A Go Fiolo only a stupid and hip


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