Sunday, May 31, 2009

By What Date Will Nj Disability W2 Be Sent Out

play with the waves

you want to talk a little something interesting regarding the world of sound. As I wondered what it was for the phase reversal on my preamp, I investigated further, and I discovered that in a situation stereo, a partial reversal of the sign of a canal, undo some of the dynamic range of sounds, if the inversion undo them is total.
In particular it is useful to know for example when recording with a microphone above and one below a snare drum, where the signals will necessarily what reversed.
Well, things not to believe, but the math does not make a wrong here either. If you record two sinusoids with a recording program (I used audacity)

and the reversed phase, pressing play, not feels absolutely nothing! (Note the empty spectrum analyzer, a track start)

Instead, the separate tracks sound classical emit continuous sine wave (here the analyzer, with a muted track, also marks the obvious trend waveform graph):

Again, if the two tracks mixed into one channel, the result will be that!

No tricks no deception: at every instant of time the signal amplitude of a channel is coupled with its negative corrispetitvo (+ x-x = 0).


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