Sunday, August 30, 2009

7 Month Old Has Dry Cough

Manganelli media

Until yesterday I thought that Victor Felts was a journalist. A journalist of those hard against the tide, they write things that do not agree, but carry on with courage of their views and their own investigations. I admire them those journalists.

Then came the investigation of Dino Boffo, director of "Future," which the newspaper says it would be a "known homosexual" condemned harassment.

Now, any sensible person understands what a thing is irrelevant. If the future of writing nonsense, it proves the point. If the future is wrong to criticize Berlusconi for his private life, proves the fallacy of the facts stated or conclusions that are drawn. In this regard, I would say that the privacy of a man of government is different from the privacy of anyone else.

This is not journalism, something that is not worth the trouble to define. Fortunately, there is no longer the poor Montanelli, otherwise who knows what a pain to see the newspaper, which he wanted and created, reduced to bludgeon the media, an instrument of defamation against those who dare to criticize the Hegemon. Must be turning in his grave!

Update (09/27/2009): Filippo Facci, who knows him well, speaks bluntly of Victor Felts in this video on youtube. "We have seen a reversal of the pattern journalism." "Everything is a matter of shooting titles.


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