Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Number Of Chapters 90,000 Word Novel


service customers of 187, which I define as "the same question ten times, ten different answers" is one reason, albeit not the most, so I left Telecom. The principal is to me a price trimmed cabin they called Videophones .

After closing the contract with Telecom, they started sending me bills with a negative amount, the before € -16, and charge about 50 cents for shipping. After two months, € -15.50, with another charge, then at -15 €, etc.. etc.. So five years from now I'll start to have a debt with Telecom that will grow as the years.

When asked, the operators of the 187 have given fanciful explanations. One (25/11/2009) gave me three numbers of administrative services Telecom to be asked: 800/121181, 800/623623, 800/595805. Too bad that two non-existent and found to respond to a coop. But the best was the one by which bills must add that I get: that is, Telecom owes me € 16 +15.50 +15 ...

Frankly, before these answers I can not tell if there are or are ...

Update (01/26/2010): After I sent a registered letter, telling him to stop sending me bills ... they sent me the following.


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