Sunday, May 24, 2009

Shawl Contact Dermatitis

Well, after repeated listening it is time to tell you about this piece history, that many of you know but many ignore .. was one of those nights ... like so many before the show ... obviously nothing prepared ... only God knew what would play on that stage, the young Keith ... a series of incredible bad luck pre concert ... stainway never got a grand piano and a Bosendorfer forgotten unplayable waiting for him ... ... it does not give the same test. Must remain in the middle register, if you do not want to scare away the audience, the one that is at least acceptable. It focuses (on the disc is omitted the initial silence ... too bad) ... and part four notes ... ... ... sol re do the searches from a distance ... a taste ... I studied the piano , wants to understand ... how does the audience laugh while (turn up the volume if you feel it) because those four notes that were taken by Jarrett as the concert are the opening words of the buzzer that draws the audience after an interval (to testify that the recipe of total improvisation by pianist ...). Start a pending floating ... ... ... that slowly evolves into a crescendo by the seventh minute reels becomes increasingly insistent and then subside into the eighth ... and continues ... in exploration tests. melodies ... .. until the twenty-sixth minute, without stopping ... then the second part begins here ... ... pure rhythm ... a left hand that continues to medium low and raffle in the eighth that will surely make you tap your foot to the beat ... the left that first timid, then increasingly secure advances in the phrasing courageous .. yelling, writhing on the floor before stomping on the wood ... the stage ... it's a pain to give birth ... keith ... trying to bring out the best from his fingers. A calm start, who knows a classic for the third part .. which left us with a hypnotic lull for all 16 minutes of music. Perhaps the most mediocre piece, but gentlemen, it is not easy to improvise for an hour and go ...
And then the end of 6 minutes ... intense ... reharmonization seem a snapshot of the concert, it seems prepared to table that everything is perfect ... a sharp jump right, there will your heart in some passages that in some verses refer jazz phrasing, but so classic!
As someone said this is not ... ... classical music is not jazz ... is Keith Jarrett.


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