Monday, May 25, 2009

Famous Quotes About Hispanics


inaugurate the new blog with just a little 'theory!
I take directly from the notes drawn up by Valentino Casali, following the master Jerry Bergonzi Quarna. Followed by other puntante the "time theory", which also will provide material from the lessons that I follow personally. I state that not everything I write is in order of difficulty, so as to take the post ... are those who are interested, read! Wholetone Jerry gets the six-note whole-tone scales as obtained by including all those derived from triads superimposed not have notes in common. Examples

agreements on which you can use the stairs

eg 1 G-6 / 9, CΔ, A-7, D7, Alt F # 7, # 5 BbΔ
Ex.2 EB7, CΔ, A-7, D7, F # - 7 b5, b9
Es.3 C-B7, F7, B7 alt EbΔ
We talk about this on their
Exatonal book (volume 7)

add that the whole-tone scales are great for improvising on seventh chords, especially when the progression presents a large number (such as blues).


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