Sunday, May 31, 2009

By What Date Will Nj Disability W2 Be Sent Out

play with the waves

you want to talk a little something interesting regarding the world of sound. As I wondered what it was for the phase reversal on my preamp, I investigated further, and I discovered that in a situation stereo, a partial reversal of the sign of a canal, undo some of the dynamic range of sounds, if the inversion undo them is total.
In particular it is useful to know for example when recording with a microphone above and one below a snare drum, where the signals will necessarily what reversed.
Well, things not to believe, but the math does not make a wrong here either. If you record two sinusoids with a recording program (I used audacity)

and the reversed phase, pressing play, not feels absolutely nothing! (Note the empty spectrum analyzer, a track start)

Instead, the separate tracks sound classical emit continuous sine wave (here the analyzer, with a muted track, also marks the obvious trend waveform graph):

Again, if the two tracks mixed into one channel, the result will be that!

No tricks no deception: at every instant of time the signal amplitude of a channel is coupled with its negative corrispetitvo (+ x-x = 0).

Thursday, May 28, 2009

How To Hook Up Phone Time Warner Cable

Harmony II Skatckes

Here the second episode.
This time we look at the so-called "families", ie the degrees of the scale who are harmonically equivalent harmonized, and that lend themselves well to the now famous and abusatissime "replacement agreement".

The first family is to Tonica, within which the I grade III and VI of the major scale harmonized

CΔ7 (level I) Em7 (grade III) and Am7 (sixth grade)

In fact we shared the notes of these three agreements:

(yes, this is a picture of my notebook, I did not want to go up to the scanner or scan them .. with some notation program)

then there a second family, call Dominant , they belong to the V and VII degrees

then: G7 and BBO (remember that the examples are always in the key of C)

And lastly family subdominant II and IV and

Dm7 FΔ7

Try to include progressions on Band in a Box and you will see that it works ...

example, on a blues in C:

Standard outline

C7 time and making it lively with rapid chord changes, creating new scenarios and improvisational atmosphere!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How To Make A Replica Spartan Halo Helmet

A Love Supreme - Curiosity

I state that I will not elaborate on what this album has influenced music, jazz, man's life, Coltrane etc.. On this masterpiece was told everything and its opposite ... Instead I want to share a (and this is only the first) curiosity is the first track "Aknowledgement. When there is a part of song, repeating the mantra that the album titled "A Love Supreme", stands out clearly that the voices that sing are at least two, if not more so ... as says sound technician who witnessed the recording (Van Gelder who else?) John had to sing ... what happened? Simple, in later times, at the request of Coltrane, his voice was overwritten the original track. This is denoted by the light echo is perceived as singing, and disappears as soon as the vocals, which is typical of an overdub:

Link: A Love Supreme

Part I: Voice Overdub
That is, Part I: Voice Overdub Immediately below appears instead

OK to confirm that the dubbing was done

course, you could live well without knowing it, but it is interesting!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Snake Eyes Without A Mask

Little Big Man ... The Harmony

A new post about a great man, musician ... before we talk about the great little man "Michel Petrucciani" (read with the accent on the final, is French ..).
As you will understand from the video for those who do not know him, was suffering from a serious problem that led him to quell'evidente physical deformity, which made it, on the other, each show a real torture for the musician.
Well, speaking of Michel as an extraordinary man, from an energy and a desire to live out of the ordinary. Moving the concerts in which it is transported to the scene, before he began to use crutches, held in the arms of someone.
A good example is an anecdote in which, for a concert, all seats were sold out, and do not leave blank many people suggested, despite the physical pain that would bring him, to play two concerts below.
Surely his musical training was in a sense, facilitated by this disease, estranged from the circle of "normal" and allowing him to devote himself to music at 100% ... Even his music. Wonderful harmony of a simple and complicated, interesting, that I would pull over to a wind instrument rather than a piano. Michel is a stunning virtuoso, a genius nor a great pianist but with the greatest acting talents. I think it is the only pianist who are not filled, and not lost in absurd copogiri atonal by doubt interest (those who have ears to hear, meant in ..) I leave you with a taste of a song that I like a lot ...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Famous Quotes About Hispanics


inaugurate the new blog with just a little 'theory!
I take directly from the notes drawn up by Valentino Casali, following the master Jerry Bergonzi Quarna. Followed by other puntante the "time theory", which also will provide material from the lessons that I follow personally. I state that not everything I write is in order of difficulty, so as to take the post ... are those who are interested, read! Wholetone Jerry gets the six-note whole-tone scales as obtained by including all those derived from triads superimposed not have notes in common. Examples

agreements on which you can use the stairs

eg 1 G-6 / 9, CΔ, A-7, D7, Alt F # 7, # 5 BbΔ
Ex.2 EB7, CΔ, A-7, D7, F # - 7 b5, b9
Es.3 C-B7, F7, B7 alt EbΔ
We talk about this on their
Exatonal book (volume 7)

add that the whole-tone scales are great for improvising on seventh chords, especially when the progression presents a large number (such as blues).

Sunday, May 24, 2009

1989 Yamaha Phazer Aftermarket Hood

Jan Garbarek sax

I'm back to apologize for the absence, is that if I do not have the time or the inspiration, I do not write anything

Today we speak of a great composer, Jan Garbarek, who for the record, also came here in london with a nice full house at the Teatro Verdi.
We talk a lot of influence on this Coltrane musician, I'll be blind, but I find it far from the heavily jazz style and the Myth. It is probably a reference to the oriental taste of the last trane, but still doubt the rest. Jan has a personal style, a technique not debatable and sound absolutely enviable.
His first instrument is the curved soprano, but I think he has the best sound of the tenor of the current living musicians.
It 's a true eclectic, is surrounded by great musicians, and especially from special tools with which to enrich his compositions that do not show such a flourish, but always manages to amaze with the right note at the right time. He has the innate ability to create atmospheres fantastic, perfectly linked to the title of music, in harmony with fabulous percussion, strings, keyboards. Emblematic "In Praise of Dreams

, eponymous album, in which a powerful and raucous duet with a tenor viola; powerful and effective ride that draws the listener in a time of intense poetry and music, free jazz, but strong eastern flavor, and the extreme refinement in sound.
Of all the video running, I selected the most interesting one, which features the amazing sound that I mentioned.

Blog Fan Milena Velba

Three, a man. The Koln Concert

Today, after a long absence, I speak of a great saxophone player, but first and foremost a great man.

I'm talking about Rahsaan Roland Kirk. Famous in his mouth in the photo to have two or three different sax, was an example of life for all. Against the wind blew, it was a free soul, scorned by critics and jocks saxophonists in New Orleans. His jazz was a dirty, messy and soul. He appeared on stage completely surrounded by instruments, 3 sax, which blew simultaneously, nose flutes, one nostril, horns, electronic gadgets. "If I could play three saxophones with two hands, you should be able to play a sax with one hand" And so it was which appeared in concert playing two saxophones, a hand ... a man who does not give in front of doom, it does not say "I can not at the first difficulty, that is not afraid of the judgments of others. A real man, as his true great jazz. I allowed myself to do a little tribute to the great kirk, succeeding to another evil, but I think I have hit his style. Double sax for the theme (yes, I did too) and an aggressive and deep content for the solo ... very whiny and impetuous.
Listen to the sample (registered Dukoff (!!!) S10 and V16 Vandroren 3)
then I leave you with a video where you can appreciate its strength. Peace to your soul, Roland.

Shawl Contact Dermatitis

Well, after repeated listening it is time to tell you about this piece history, that many of you know but many ignore ..
was one of those nights ... like so many before the show ... obviously nothing prepared ... only God knew what would play on that stage, the young Keith ... a series of incredible bad luck pre concert ... stainway never got a grand piano and a Bosendorfer forgotten unplayable waiting for him ... ... it does not give the same test. Must remain in the middle register, if you do not want to scare away the audience, the one that is at least acceptable. It focuses (on the disc is omitted the initial silence ... too bad) ... and part four notes ... ... ... sol re do the searches from a distance ... a taste ... I studied the piano , wants to understand ... how does the audience laugh while (turn up the volume if you feel it) because those four notes that were taken by Jarrett as the concert are the opening words of the buzzer that draws the audience after an interval (to testify that the recipe of total improvisation by pianist ...). Start a pending floating ... ... ... that slowly evolves into a crescendo by the seventh minute reels becomes increasingly insistent and then subside into the eighth ... and continues ... in exploration tests. melodies ... .. until the twenty-sixth minute, without stopping ... then the second part begins here ... ... pure rhythm ... a left hand that continues to medium low and raffle in the eighth that will surely make you tap your foot to the beat ... the left that first timid, then increasingly secure advances in the phrasing courageous .. yelling, writhing on the floor before stomping on the wood ... the stage ... it's a pain to give birth ... keith ... trying to bring out the best from his fingers.
A calm start, who knows a classic for the third part .. which left us with a hypnotic lull for all 16 minutes of music. Perhaps the most mediocre piece, but gentlemen, it is not easy to improvise for an hour and go ...
And then the end of 6 minutes ... intense ... reharmonization seem a snapshot of the concert, it seems prepared to table that everything is perfect ... a sharp jump right, there will your heart in some passages that in some verses refer jazz phrasing, but so classic!
As someone said this is not ... ... classical music is not jazz ... is Keith Jarrett.