Friday, May 30, 2008

Want Play Pokemon Red

June 6 - Run for the integration

Some say that the rules are made to be broken. Frankly it seems a bit 'too much as an idea, but for a good cause exception should be made. Then I'll use the blog to communicate something that has nothing to do with representation in Sociology.

Friday, June 6 at 18:00 will take place in Piazza Duomo the march "with Trent for coexistence." An initiative by collecting very different realities, aims to reaffirm the value of integration and antiracism. An initiative that you just felt the need since the heavy air that for some time now you begin to breathe. Air full of episodes of intolerance, fear and fed suspicious glances towards the other.
The parade will end in Piazza Battisti with testimonies, readings and the concert of "Cisco" (former singer of Modena City Ramblers). Tuesday, June 3 at 18:30 in CGIL (via the Muredei, 8 - F. Biesuz room) will be held an organizational meeting, open to all those who wish to lend a hand to the success of the initiative.

for the occasion was also created a blog to invite you to visit:

PS - we're on the subject of initiatives, June 5 from 9am to 12, at the conference hall of Economics , a meeting will be held on "Quality of work and development." will look at research (a sociological condition on the metalworkers' and a more cost on the economies of OECD countries) and, subsequently, there will be a roundtable discussion with Lorenzo Dellai (president of the province), Ilaria Bishops (President of Confindustria-Trent) and Roger Purin (Secretary of the CGIL Trentino). The conclusions will be of Gianni Rinaldini (national secretary of FIOM).


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