Saturday, May 10, 2008

Alternative Careers For Doctors

Reform, Reform and Reformation

The real focal point of these months has been, without doubt, the Reform Teaching.
Now, on this issue, several meetings were held with students last April 7. For those interested, we can find the slides used during the meeting at: (in this regard thank you for Alessandro D'Amico hosted these slides in your area internet).
How are things under the circumstances?
First we must see if so, what effect will the change of Dean. Also add that, to date, on the practical implementation of the reform are still on the high seas. For example it is not known yet if the curriculum of Sociology Theory and Social Research "will begin in September or the year after. In the past the Committee for Reform (April 30) on the agenda there was this - just to give you an idea ... -. Personally, I welcomed the idea of \u200b\u200bpostponing the activation of the curriculum in the academic year 2009/2010, as it has not yet agreed on several points, such as:
- the first year in common curriculum with the other (the "Sociology") that, given the facts that emerged from the meetings, we consider essential and which have been asking for a final decision is always delayed,
- the agreement with the University partners positions are very far between them,
- external communication for the presentation of the course.
Although many teachers are pressing to start the curriculum in Theory and Social Research "in September, I think it will be difficult, however, that technically they can get. The curriculum of Sociology
is instead organized as follows: The
year institutions of Sociology (12 credits), History of Sociological Thought (12 credits), Contemporary History (8 credits), Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Skills (12 credits, composed in 5-5-2), Political Science (8 credits) Anthropology (8 credits), English (4 credits)
II year: Methodology of Social Sciences (12 credits), Social Psychology (8 credits), Economics (8 credits), Sociology graduate course (8 credits), Public Law (6 credits), Optional SPS 07 (8 credits) , Optional SPS 07/08/09/10/11/12 (8 credits)
Year Three: Methods and Techniques of Social Research (12 credits), two optional SPS 07/08/09/10/11 / 12 (8 cfu unit), 8 credits free choice between the teaching faculty, 16 credits of free choice (exams, work experience or seminars) and Introduction to the world of work (2 credits).
This project, however, is not definitive. I was told that the prof. Buzzi is working on some minor modifications, which however will not change the system in principle. This week I'll try to go from teacher to learn more.

SPIE : maybe we are. In a scene from the film by Marco Tullio Giordana, "The Hundred Steps", the protagonist watching the destruction of the airport at Punta Raisi explains that "basically, all things, even worse, once done find a logical justification just for being there. " And this is the phrase that occurred to me when I saw the latest proposal of SPIE. Now mind you, is that this proposal is one of the worst things you could do, and also has good points (as the first year together) but has material weaknesses (which I will try to explain in the next post when we discuss whether the agrees or not, go to the new organization who is now attending the first year). The proposed
SPIE, at this point ultimately is this: I
year (shared between the two routes): Sociology (8 credits), Social Theory (8 credits) Political Science (8 credits), Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Skills (12 credits, 5 +5 +2), Contemporary History (8 credits), Economics (8 credits), English (8 credits)
Path of Globalization, uneven development and
II year: Methodology and Techniques of Social Research (12 credits), Public Law, European and international (12 credits), economic and political geography (8 credits), History of Political Institutions (8 cfu), Anthropology (8 credits), International Organizations (8 credits), Sociology of Globalization (8 credits)
years III: International Economic Policy (8 credits), Sociology of Economics (8 credits), Politics of cooperation or policy development (8 credits), Sociology of Sociology of developing countries or religions (8 credits) credits to be chosen (16), second language (4 cfu).
Educational background International and European Policy
II year: Methodology and Techniques of Social Research (12 credits), Public Law and International Community (12 credits), economic and political geography (8 credits), political sociology (8 credits), European Policy and international (8 credits), History of Political Institutions (8 credits), History of European and international (8 credits)
Year Three: International Economic Policy (8 credits), Politics and the EU institutions or international organizations (8 cfu ), Sociology of international relations or sociology of migration and ethnic relations (8 credits), Sociology of European Integration (8 credits) credits to be chosen, (16) second language (4 cfu)


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