Thursday, May 15, 2008

Numero De Registro De Cardrecovery 5.30

Resignation from the Student Council Calendar

Following the adoption of new guidelines on taxation (which you should find newspapers on May 16 ), I, along with Valerio neckline and Samuel Tadesse, we have submitted our resignations from the Student Council. A body that has always been very helpful and, in this situation, it seems even succeeded in the difficult task of amplifying its uselessness. This decision
was also taken in a break with the position of representative to the Board of Directors of Charter, Matteo Fadini, this morning gave its vote. In an email sent to us a few hours ago we were told, by itself, even to resign from the faculty board, even if nobody else will take our place (cattivoni! not have done what I said ... now in detention ! while and if students do not have representatives who cares, it's important that you pay me !!!).
course we are not crazy: there may not resign just like that. The reasons can be found in the letter published Blog Valerio . Yes, I know that I could publish I too: but it is more the suspense that is created in this way?

In the event that they were born alive from everything, see you soon!


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