Sunday, May 11, 2008

Nice Way To Ask For Money For A Birthday

Election 'presidential' Go

As you have read the papers, was held May 7 to elect a new president of Sociology for the period 2008-2011, which will come "in service" from November.
These elections have had one characteristic: the climate in which they are held. A truly commendable climate, democratic, characterized by a civilized debate, comparable to a drunken brawl in a hovel for port (without of course wanting to offend any of the numerous ports that usually flock to this blog). To get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe seriousness with which our faculty has been able to distinguish, you can read this article in the Adige ( ). Among other things, are chronic duty to tell also that, within the Faculty Council's preliminary April 30, I felt even worse!
But let's order. The Faculty Council's preliminary April 30 was a target practice against the professor. Diana nearly an ambush (in this a memorable professor gill speech tones and chorus heavy accorattissimi, reading from a notebook). In these operations there's even some to declare their vote in favor of prof. La Valle. Too bad that is not the candidate, and in fact, he refuses to be. At this point we ask the word and we send all'emminentissimo Council the following question: how do you declare your vote for someone who is not a candidate? and above the initial discussion does not need to analyze the past three years? General applause. Too bad that right after you reset of the same leitmotif, with the difference that now we add the statements of votes in favor of prof. Diani. The points of conflict are basically two: the reform and, above all, I would say, the division of seats.
Just to clarify the level of confrontation, prof. Diani has been some time ago, a complaint for "abuse of office" by prof. Corposanto, who wanted to be ordinary (which is the "degree" higher among teachers). The prosecutor is still storing it all as the "crime does not exist" (legal term, say that the complaint has been made "et minchiam" - as they say in Latin -). And then the headmaster had been right in so-called "affaire Corposanto. But of course, you can guess which of the two candidates had voted professor in question, and consequential to the group to which it belongs.
On May 7, mindful of the tone of the April 30, the Dean (ie the teacher with more seniority, who runs the elections), prof. Di Bernardo, allowed the two candidates to explain the program, eliminating the ritual debate and the statements of votes (which were made before the vote, and not the first of applications). Choice but to buy, but I do not agree. It 'possible that all compenent Council Faculty, including me, for example, can not express their opinions because someone can not discuss in any way civil?
In its program, prof. The Valley has essentially relied on the need to improve the climate. Prof. Diani has been defended against accusations instead of 30, recalling the results obtained by the faculty, the introduction of merit for teaching and, more generally, the process of renovation done.
I do not know whether to say whether the present 80 (out of 83 eligible - never seen so large a CdF -) have chosen peace, or whether, more simply, the groups that supported the Professor. The Valley were more numerous (43 votes to 36, with a quorum which was to be elected 41 votes).
That said, I sincerely hope that the prof. The Valley knows off by some of the teachers who supported him and who have a conception of the universe on the edge of baronial (and maybe even a step further ...) and that can also focus on the renewal. However, in its program prof. The Valley has also made explicit reference to the need for a stronger dialogue with the students, and of course on our part there is maximum availability, provided that not only plays, but we also keep in view (which is quite different) .
Now we just have to wait. We will act with him as well that the students' representatives to behave with the principals: we'll be attentive to his work and judge the facts and what they will do.


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