Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Does Business License Look Like

exams & CdF 14.05.2008

For convenience, the writer and reader, I'll post in the same neighborhood only two events in chronological order. The first is the exam timetable : already three hours after its release I had received a few complaints, especially from the first and second year of SPIE. And comparing the dates of tests with the materials that I had to understand why.
The first year of SPIE, so to speak, had three mandatory tests on the same day, while the second year he had six exams in four days. As you can guess, to move an exam is not easy: both the availability of teachers for the classrooms. Moreover, the political moment is an option which looks askance at it's best not to take action. However, moving a couple of exams (the bare minimum, in fact) I think with the help of the Secretariat of the Presidency and the availability of some teachers, we have reached a good agreement.
Assuming that you are given exams in June and July, and not in a month, we devised a hypothetical student and how he could move. If following the first year could give SPIE Contemporary History (Blanco) June 9, History of Sociological Thought (Wagner) 17, Mathematics (Benati) 23, Political Science (Nevola) July 2 Geography and Economic Policy (Dell'Agnese) 11. In short, a distance of 6-7 days to mandatory review (which is not bad!). The second year it has been suggested that instead of SPIE: Statistics for Social Research (Bison) June 9, demography (Ascoli) on June 11 or July 1 (is equal to the distribution of days), Comparative Politics (DonĂ  ) 16 , Methods and Techniques (Peri), 24, Economic Sociology (crab) on July 4 and 10 Sociology of change (Sciortino). The minimum is 3 days away: it will not be the best of all possible worlds, but at least enough to roll up your sleeves decently. Well now it's up to students, good study to everybody and good luck!
CdF (aka Faculty Council). Nothing particularly interesting under the sun, except the final approval of educational programming (for more information, see the post "Reform, reform .. and reform") and a window opened by the Dean about the possibility of activating the second year of International Studies and the new order of Sociology as early as next year. One possibility that a few days ago seemed faded, and now reappears. Everything depends on whether we succeed within a week to complete the paperwork to turn the first year. No illusions, but we will try and hopefully good ...


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