Monday, June 9, 2008

Stetson Army Hats For Sale

Sunday opening of the classroom study

With a closer examination of the problems becomes more important the lack of places to study. For this reason we asked the Dean of keep open the reading room of Sociology on Sundays from 14 to 20. The official news should arrive in CdF, 18. With effect from 22 June until 13 July, you will find the study room open. The faculty, however, will remain closed, so you have to enter from the back (so to speak through the door anti-fire). Small note-please, use it!
Why even keep this room open to a charge of surveillance (of course higher on weekdays because it's Sunday and then they are rightly paid as overtime). So, if the turnout is low may close it.

Good study and all and good luck for exams!

PS-Today is out the annual list of Censis: that, I mean, where our faculty is first induscussa. Hear, hear: We're Not So induscussi nor the first! There has exceeded the Milan Bicocca.
personal opinion? As they say in Rome "nun me some ornaments from less." Even when we were first expressed doubts about the parameters of these classifications. Now do not dramatize. Problems of Sociology know what, we have repeated ad nauseum and those necessary to intervene, without waiting for the rankings criteria questionable.


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