Friday, May 30, 2008

Want Play Pokemon Red

June 6 - Run for the integration

Some say that the rules are made to be broken. Frankly it seems a bit 'too much as an idea, but for a good cause exception should be made. Then I'll use the blog to communicate something that has nothing to do with representation in Sociology.

Friday, June 6 at 18:00 will take place in Piazza Duomo the march "with Trent for coexistence." An initiative by collecting very different realities, aims to reaffirm the value of integration and antiracism. An initiative that you just felt the need since the heavy air that for some time now you begin to breathe. Air full of episodes of intolerance, fear and fed suspicious glances towards the other.
The parade will end in Piazza Battisti with testimonies, readings and the concert of "Cisco" (former singer of Modena City Ramblers). Tuesday, June 3 at 18:30 in CGIL (via the Muredei, 8 - F. Biesuz room) will be held an organizational meeting, open to all those who wish to lend a hand to the success of the initiative.

for the occasion was also created a blog to invite you to visit:

PS - we're on the subject of initiatives, June 5 from 9am to 12, at the conference hall of Economics , a meeting will be held on "Quality of work and development." will look at research (a sociological condition on the metalworkers' and a more cost on the economies of OECD countries) and, subsequently, there will be a roundtable discussion with Lorenzo Dellai (president of the province), Ilaria Bishops (President of Confindustria-Trent) and Roger Purin (Secretary of the CGIL Trentino). The conclusions will be of Gianni Rinaldini (national secretary of FIOM).

Sudden Receding Of Gums

Activation of the second year of SI and Sociology

Occasionally there is some good news, this will be especially good for students currently enrolled in the first year of SPIE or Sociology. The Faculty Council on the proposal of Diani headmaster (who, by doing so, came to meet our requirements), has approved the activation as early as next academic year of the second year of International Studies and Sociology (culled). All this will ensure the lessons to those who decide to switch from the old to the new system. Now we will be working on the conversion table tests, in order to avoid complicated integrations. Just did this, students will be informed either by mail or through special meetings. And even on this blog, of course ...

Meanwhile we smile for this point scored!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Wedding Tux Burlington Ma

Newspapers, news et al reform .

In the first post ("we start with small things", ed), I set out, among other issues, that of in newspapers has been read. One of the things of everyday life on which I was engaged, with no feedback until maybe (car) exhaustion, decided to buy yourself a day to keep for free reading in study hall.
Now, in an attempt to achieve this goal, I started a petition that are right next to the letter used in place of "La Repubblica" in study hall. I hope that everyone will sign it, to request that the purchases may - finally - the newspapers for students!
Echoing the famous slogan used dall'AMREF - for purposes far more important - I would say: "just a little, which ce vo '?" However, it is enough to make you even less, any * voluntary * will pass these sheets signed directly between the benches during the hours of lessons more attended. I recommend
signed many!
Another question: the activation of the second year in order Reform (aka the real opportunity for current students in good standing with the exams to pass the new ordinance). Something is happening and this will be discussed during the committee convened to reform the May 29. During this meeting we will also discuss the conversion on exit exams. I mean you talk a lot and will be kept in suspense: I'll write a special post at the end of meeting.

Queued clarification. The resignation by the BoS are something separate from the representation in the faculty. The Student Council is in fact a kind of body that represents the representatives: the make - or in my case it is not - part, does not change anything in terms of being representative of the students in the faculty.
Second, and needed clarification (which I was requested). In recent days, I sent a letter Adige (found on ) to explain the reasons for the disagreement on the new taxation that led me Samuel Tadesse and Valerio neckline to resign from this body. The caption - added by the journalist - says "Andrea La Malfa, is a student representative to Sociology (Charta '91). Here, the last words in brackets are be considered, for various reasons, out of place ... first of all is that this system of taxation Charter '91 made so, he consciously chose, in voting for bodies. Who resigned in protest, of course, he did not.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Numero De Registro De Cardrecovery 5.30

Resignation from the Student Council Calendar

Following the adoption of new guidelines on taxation (which you should find newspapers on May 16 ), I, along with Valerio neckline and Samuel Tadesse, we have submitted our resignations from the Student Council. A body that has always been very helpful and, in this situation, it seems even succeeded in the difficult task of amplifying its uselessness. This decision
was also taken in a break with the position of representative to the Board of Directors of Charter, Matteo Fadini, this morning gave its vote. In an email sent to us a few hours ago we were told, by itself, even to resign from the faculty board, even if nobody else will take our place (cattivoni! not have done what I said ... now in detention ! while and if students do not have representatives who cares, it's important that you pay me !!!).
course we are not crazy: there may not resign just like that. The reasons can be found in the letter published Blog Valerio . Yes, I know that I could publish I too: but it is more the suspense that is created in this way?

In the event that they were born alive from everything, see you soon!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Does Business License Look Like

exams & CdF 14.05.2008

For convenience, the writer and reader, I'll post in the same neighborhood only two events in chronological order. The first is the exam timetable : already three hours after its release I had received a few complaints, especially from the first and second year of SPIE. And comparing the dates of tests with the materials that I had to understand why.
The first year of SPIE, so to speak, had three mandatory tests on the same day, while the second year he had six exams in four days. As you can guess, to move an exam is not easy: both the availability of teachers for the classrooms. Moreover, the political moment is an option which looks askance at it's best not to take action. However, moving a couple of exams (the bare minimum, in fact) I think with the help of the Secretariat of the Presidency and the availability of some teachers, we have reached a good agreement.
Assuming that you are given exams in June and July, and not in a month, we devised a hypothetical student and how he could move. If following the first year could give SPIE Contemporary History (Blanco) June 9, History of Sociological Thought (Wagner) 17, Mathematics (Benati) 23, Political Science (Nevola) July 2 Geography and Economic Policy (Dell'Agnese) 11. In short, a distance of 6-7 days to mandatory review (which is not bad!). The second year it has been suggested that instead of SPIE: Statistics for Social Research (Bison) June 9, demography (Ascoli) on June 11 or July 1 (is equal to the distribution of days), Comparative Politics (DonĂ  ) 16 , Methods and Techniques (Peri), 24, Economic Sociology (crab) on July 4 and 10 Sociology of change (Sciortino). The minimum is 3 days away: it will not be the best of all possible worlds, but at least enough to roll up your sleeves decently. Well now it's up to students, good study to everybody and good luck!
CdF (aka Faculty Council). Nothing particularly interesting under the sun, except the final approval of educational programming (for more information, see the post "Reform, reform .. and reform") and a window opened by the Dean about the possibility of activating the second year of International Studies and the new order of Sociology as early as next year. One possibility that a few days ago seemed faded, and now reappears. Everything depends on whether we succeed within a week to complete the paperwork to turn the first year. No illusions, but we will try and hopefully good ...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Nice Way To Ask For Money For A Birthday

Election 'presidential' Go

As you have read the papers, was held May 7 to elect a new president of Sociology for the period 2008-2011, which will come "in service" from November.
These elections have had one characteristic: the climate in which they are held. A truly commendable climate, democratic, characterized by a civilized debate, comparable to a drunken brawl in a hovel for port (without of course wanting to offend any of the numerous ports that usually flock to this blog). To get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe seriousness with which our faculty has been able to distinguish, you can read this article in the Adige ( ). Among other things, are chronic duty to tell also that, within the Faculty Council's preliminary April 30, I felt even worse!
But let's order. The Faculty Council's preliminary April 30 was a target practice against the professor. Diana nearly an ambush (in this a memorable professor gill speech tones and chorus heavy accorattissimi, reading from a notebook). In these operations there's even some to declare their vote in favor of prof. La Valle. Too bad that is not the candidate, and in fact, he refuses to be. At this point we ask the word and we send all'emminentissimo Council the following question: how do you declare your vote for someone who is not a candidate? and above the initial discussion does not need to analyze the past three years? General applause. Too bad that right after you reset of the same leitmotif, with the difference that now we add the statements of votes in favor of prof. Diani. The points of conflict are basically two: the reform and, above all, I would say, the division of seats.
Just to clarify the level of confrontation, prof. Diani has been some time ago, a complaint for "abuse of office" by prof. Corposanto, who wanted to be ordinary (which is the "degree" higher among teachers). The prosecutor is still storing it all as the "crime does not exist" (legal term, say that the complaint has been made "et minchiam" - as they say in Latin -). And then the headmaster had been right in so-called "affaire Corposanto. But of course, you can guess which of the two candidates had voted professor in question, and consequential to the group to which it belongs.
On May 7, mindful of the tone of the April 30, the Dean (ie the teacher with more seniority, who runs the elections), prof. Di Bernardo, allowed the two candidates to explain the program, eliminating the ritual debate and the statements of votes (which were made before the vote, and not the first of applications). Choice but to buy, but I do not agree. It 'possible that all compenent Council Faculty, including me, for example, can not express their opinions because someone can not discuss in any way civil?
In its program, prof. The Valley has essentially relied on the need to improve the climate. Prof. Diani has been defended against accusations instead of 30, recalling the results obtained by the faculty, the introduction of merit for teaching and, more generally, the process of renovation done.
I do not know whether to say whether the present 80 (out of 83 eligible - never seen so large a CdF -) have chosen peace, or whether, more simply, the groups that supported the Professor. The Valley were more numerous (43 votes to 36, with a quorum which was to be elected 41 votes).
That said, I sincerely hope that the prof. The Valley knows off by some of the teachers who supported him and who have a conception of the universe on the edge of baronial (and maybe even a step further ...) and that can also focus on the renewal. However, in its program prof. The Valley has also made explicit reference to the need for a stronger dialogue with the students, and of course on our part there is maximum availability, provided that not only plays, but we also keep in view (which is quite different) .
Now we just have to wait. We will act with him as well that the students' representatives to behave with the principals: we'll be attentive to his work and judge the facts and what they will do.

Which Is More Painful Kidney Stones Or Gallstones

you go ... no

This post I'm writing only for those currently attending the first year of Sociology and SPIE and serves to give some indication to the question should go to the new system?
It must be said that the new system has its undoubted advantages, due to the decree Mussi. First, the number of examinations. Twenty in all three years, which is a big step forward (I, at the end of my first degree, I counted 57 examinations data ...). This will also help those who want to study abroad, because in this way, our system is close to the rest of Europe. In addition, the report credit-hour passes to 6 hours of lecture per credit. That means fewer hours of lessons and more time for individual study. These two factors should lead to examination programs heavier, but still reduce the fragmentation that there has certainly helped.
The critical points of this reform are to be distinguished depending on the degree course. For Sociology we had simply a rationalization of positive tests and my personal impression - we'll see if time will give me reason - is that there should be no division in the curriculum until 2009/2010 (so I hope there will cover ... ). To SPIE is a different matter. First, the course, as a whole, but most will not be called SPIE International Studies (IS). As already mentioned this course curriculum will be divided into two: one in international and European Policy Studies (SPIE) and one in Globalization, uneven development and (GDS). The first curriculum would recommend it to anyone interested in the Interfaculty Graduate Studies in Eurpoei International (SEI). Second, honestly, I have some misgivings. The topics can be interesting, but generally by specialized topics that often pay little spent on the world of work. These specialists understand, let alone a Triennial.
Personally, if I were a "sociologist" I would think seriously about the passage, if I a "spy" would see a specialist to understand that I would be interested. If I wanted to follow the SEI, I would consider the location of SPIE International Studies, and if I'm interested in issues of GDS would think in a hurry to graduate and find a specialist (which is not in Trento) that addresses these issues. For all

advise you to follow these last steps of the reform, because many of the convenience of the transition will depend on two huge factors on which there was still only a preliminary discussion.
first factor: if next year will be run only the first year of the new system, or even the second. Of course I will do everything possible to convince the Committee to Reform turn the lessons of the second year, but the real criteria, rather than the will, the resources will be available. At present it will be very difficult to be activated also during the second year. So, if so, IF YOU ARE IN ORDER WITH THE TESTS, THE TRANSITION TO THE NEW LAW COULD PROVE OFFENCE IN ANY CASE! If you are a bit behind but the speech may be different, but we must judge each case.
second factor: the conversion of credits already earned. As the ratio decreased credit-hours, you will find people who spend even more in some credit. Honestly I would avoid excessively stimulated mechanisms (which in any case I do not think will be offered). The important thing is that, overall, those who will not lose credits (at least strange combination of examination data). If you have doubts, even on cases and personal details, let me know.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Alternative Careers For Doctors

Reform, Reform and Reformation

The real focal point of these months has been, without doubt, the Reform Teaching.
Now, on this issue, several meetings were held with students last April 7. For those interested, we can find the slides used during the meeting at: (in this regard thank you for Alessandro D'Amico hosted these slides in your area internet).
How are things under the circumstances?
First we must see if so, what effect will the change of Dean. Also add that, to date, on the practical implementation of the reform are still on the high seas. For example it is not known yet if the curriculum of Sociology Theory and Social Research "will begin in September or the year after. In the past the Committee for Reform (April 30) on the agenda there was this - just to give you an idea ... -. Personally, I welcomed the idea of \u200b\u200bpostponing the activation of the curriculum in the academic year 2009/2010, as it has not yet agreed on several points, such as:
- the first year in common curriculum with the other (the "Sociology") that, given the facts that emerged from the meetings, we consider essential and which have been asking for a final decision is always delayed,
- the agreement with the University partners positions are very far between them,
- external communication for the presentation of the course.
Although many teachers are pressing to start the curriculum in Theory and Social Research "in September, I think it will be difficult, however, that technically they can get. The curriculum of Sociology
is instead organized as follows: The
year institutions of Sociology (12 credits), History of Sociological Thought (12 credits), Contemporary History (8 credits), Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Skills (12 credits, composed in 5-5-2), Political Science (8 credits) Anthropology (8 credits), English (4 credits)
II year: Methodology of Social Sciences (12 credits), Social Psychology (8 credits), Economics (8 credits), Sociology graduate course (8 credits), Public Law (6 credits), Optional SPS 07 (8 credits) , Optional SPS 07/08/09/10/11/12 (8 credits)
Year Three: Methods and Techniques of Social Research (12 credits), two optional SPS 07/08/09/10/11 / 12 (8 cfu unit), 8 credits free choice between the teaching faculty, 16 credits of free choice (exams, work experience or seminars) and Introduction to the world of work (2 credits).
This project, however, is not definitive. I was told that the prof. Buzzi is working on some minor modifications, which however will not change the system in principle. This week I'll try to go from teacher to learn more.

SPIE : maybe we are. In a scene from the film by Marco Tullio Giordana, "The Hundred Steps", the protagonist watching the destruction of the airport at Punta Raisi explains that "basically, all things, even worse, once done find a logical justification just for being there. " And this is the phrase that occurred to me when I saw the latest proposal of SPIE. Now mind you, is that this proposal is one of the worst things you could do, and also has good points (as the first year together) but has material weaknesses (which I will try to explain in the next post when we discuss whether the agrees or not, go to the new organization who is now attending the first year). The proposed
SPIE, at this point ultimately is this: I
year (shared between the two routes): Sociology (8 credits), Social Theory (8 credits) Political Science (8 credits), Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Skills (12 credits, 5 +5 +2), Contemporary History (8 credits), Economics (8 credits), English (8 credits)
Path of Globalization, uneven development and
II year: Methodology and Techniques of Social Research (12 credits), Public Law, European and international (12 credits), economic and political geography (8 credits), History of Political Institutions (8 cfu), Anthropology (8 credits), International Organizations (8 credits), Sociology of Globalization (8 credits)
years III: International Economic Policy (8 credits), Sociology of Economics (8 credits), Politics of cooperation or policy development (8 credits), Sociology of Sociology of developing countries or religions (8 credits) credits to be chosen (16), second language (4 cfu).
Educational background International and European Policy
II year: Methodology and Techniques of Social Research (12 credits), Public Law and International Community (12 credits), economic and political geography (8 credits), political sociology (8 credits), European Policy and international (8 credits), History of Political Institutions (8 credits), History of European and international (8 credits)
Year Three: International Economic Policy (8 credits), Politics and the EU institutions or international organizations (8 cfu ), Sociology of international relations or sociology of migration and ethnic relations (8 credits), Sociology of European Integration (8 credits) credits to be chosen, (16) second language (4 cfu)

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still start from small things

Having a bit of backward communication, beginning with small things done daily and that were promised during the last election campaign.

Copier for use by students. As now you have noticed the copier has arrived and is, for some time on the second floor. To use it you must be in possession of a prepaid card, that are on sale in the central library (the CIAL to INTED).

Ability to print from pc . One thing that may seem - indeed is - really small, but it was complicated to obtain, for a variety of reasons.

One of these is that there is still about a directive of the university. For nearly a year was all about 'is coming, "" get, "" we, "" is made within one month "... and you is not seen nothing.
In the end, after having persecuted the poor Luigi Lissindrani (head of the garrison computer, which also takes the ECDL course) and have it specially made for exhaustion, we managed to get a start on our own, being "experimental." For this I must thank him. In this way, rather than waiting for the other faculties in order to provide equal service for all university "downstream", then the other option, if they want to follow ...

The printer is the smallest computer in the classroom (the 111), and each student in 2008, has 500 prints available. The option available to the printer, the student sheets. To be trasperanti is good to say that prolonging the time it would be possible to try to get even the sheets. Honestly, I think, however, that this is the best solution because it aims to empower the user and to avoid overloading the service.

House-studio. One of the things we pointed out to the then dean Diani, was that PCs were not working in study hall, and then only occupied seats. The choice was thus to remove them and, gradually, depending on the available budget for the renewal of the PC, replace a new one. What are the ones we have now.

Another thing for classroom study are have read in newspapers, on which we had with Dean Diani conflicting opinions. He thinks that money badly spent, now that the internet runs on information. We believe that the information of the Internet is qualitatively comparable to that of newspapers, which not only show the headlines and no doubt give a level of reflection and interpretation is more. We also pointed out that the Faculty of Economics has read in the newspapers to invest a lot, even foreign newspapers and cheap (although they have a central university library to 100 meters)

The newspaper that you see every day in study hall is actually what I buy and I do take to the newspaper kiosk in Piazza Venezia. If occasionally you find it is because they forget to take it: if you want, you can go to complain, you withdraw it, read it and put it in place.

This initiative, which lasts a month, I served as a provocation. So if I buy the paper I, a poor student, and without starving, because the power says he has no resources to spend on this? I wanted to symbolically show how this, lacking is the will. We hope that this will lead to some positive feedback.

Hall students. In temporary change of venue due to lack of space, we have also lost places - traditional - of the total student self-management (such as class 15). For this we are moving to in January 2009, when we come back in via Verdi, we may find our space ... in the meantime there is to make note that to make up for it by the Dean of Diani, there was always the the grant maximum availability of classrooms and space for meetings and initiatives, including "liberal interpretation" of the regulations governing the University.

And that's all, folks!

If there are ideas on how to improve the livability of our Member, let me know!