Friday, June 20, 2008

Dreams About Dead Frogs

presudosondaggi The Sky Tg24

normally shy away from swearing. It seems to me a short cut too short vocabulary. But another poll by Sky tonight I just made them turn. So I wrote the following e-mail to editors:

"Re: fake polls"

would be a case to stop doing these surveys of the cabbage. They now understand how all that there exits a survey on the government side and a phone call from Arcore all the licking Berlusca how they vote. The news tonight, that 83% of Italians would agree with the last shot shit PSICONANO Europe is really funny. Not to mention the interception.

Above: everything you disqualified as objective news. "

For those not aware: Sky Tg24 on a daily basis a survey of topical issues, which can be answered by pressing the Sky remote control or via the Internet. I note that the term survey is completely out of taking place, as is well known that this type of investigation gives results very unreliable. This is acknowledged on the website, while there is no mention on TV. The reason why you do these surveys is easy to understand: to meet with the remote control you must connect the receiver to the phone line. The way to yield to the temptation to buy some event is thus shortened. But the opportunity to exploit these events for political propaganda is too good and the results are as ridiculous:

"Berlusconi: Europe needs a Drizzona, it should be removed from the bureaucracy and returned to the people. Do you agree?" Answer: Yes 83%, "Are you in favor of the measure in the draft bill on wiretapping, which provides up to three years in prison for those who publish them?" Answer: Yes 65% XD

Europe needs a Drizzona! But how about our Prime Minister? He wants to "straighten" him back to Europe? But come on, if they are still laughing at the fool that he did in the European Parliament!


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