Friday, August 8, 2008

Ralph Lauren Pigeon Forge

What a mess .... it will be because the Reformation!

I know: the song recited otherwise entitled. Moreover, in August, better than a confusion of loving a university (less suited to the holidays and the summer sun). Yet from the mail received in recent days, the impression is that the ongoing reforms in several doubts persist. So I decided to add a post clarifying the frequently asked questions. Of course, if in doubt, write (a.lamalfa @ I will answer willingly.


But what should I do? Pass or not pass?
Switch to the new system or continue with the old is a personal choice: everyone decide according to conscience and preferences. I can only tell you what it takes for your college career choice, rather than another.
tend, as the activation of the second year of Sociology and lights (but not social services) who has completed the first year in these two three-year courses could take advantage of a good transition to the new system. This has given is that all matters, whether it has given only the basic exams, leaving behind small children. More than highly recommended, however, if the student in question has given a few tests. A
who has completed the second year and is in good standing, agree to continue ending with the old system. More intermediaries, the situation of those in the second year and has recovered from exams: you should carefully consider the criteria for conversion. These are available on the website of the faculty criteria for Sociology and International Studies (former Lights).


am a member of a three-year and would like to continue with the old system. What should I do?
The transition to the new regulations, for those who already joined, it is purely optional. Anyone who wants to can switch to the new; who prefer to continue with the order in which you can do so in writing. In this case his plan of study will not change. Just like always, subscribe to the following year by submitting the application on the answering machine.

But the courses, and then the lessons of the old order will there be?
In the academic year 2008/2009 will start courses under the old system of the second and third years. In the next (2009-2010), only those of the third year of the old system, after which the course will be low. Those who were left behind materials of the first year is advisable to inquire about the lessons of the new system, since in many of the courses-based programs remain similar.


am a member of a three-year and would like to move to the new system. What should I do?
Occor first of all join the new academic year as if it keeps up with the old system. Later in September we will move to the new regulations (the application, found on the site may be delivered by October 31 or, in second place, 7 to 31 January 2009).

When will come out the criteria for conversion testing?
The criteria are already out, and can be found on the website of the faculty.


are the specialist. The reform also concerns me?
The specialist will be active next year in the first year of the reformed and the second from the old system. So if you have attended the first year and have passed the examinations required (or at least most of them), would be inconvenient to switch. On the contrary, if you have taken a few exams and you have to give a large number of examinations of the first year, it may be convenient to go to the new system.


Who is affected?
The new tax system, which comes into force this year, about who will enroll the first year of any degree in the academic year 2008/2009. So this reform affects both students and those of the three-year specialist.

What is?
The system is well advertised on the site of the University . If you want to make you a more accurate on this subject I suggest you read up (one of the greatest Italian web sites dealing with issues of economic and social reform), Article self-celebration of the creator of the reform , prof. Ceredigion and response the student representative to the Opera Universitaria Valerio neckline
those who have followed this blog knows that my personal opinion coincides with Valerio. What he wrote I would add two things:
- The award comes two years after. Then we go for three years the money will come - if all goes well-when you finish the degree. More than a study seems to support the right of a good output.
- to take the top prize must go to study abroad for a period long enough to give many credits (scoring requires that you have given 60 credits regardless of whether the student has an Erasmus grant for one year or three months!). Mind you, studying abroad is all well and good, but I wonder if you want to encourage, because it is economically negligible lavish Erasmus grants for living abroad?
I have the impression that doing so will be denied the top prize to the most, in favor of higher incomes.


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