Sunday, April 1, 2007

Someone Showing Boobs With No Shirt!!!!!!!

numbers of Destiny

represent a path of life, a key to living better and realize their inner nature in a field that has been chosen with a strategy determined. The destiny number gives an important indication, however, the path is not predetermined. On the contrary, it helps to know to take life in their hands, revealing aspects of character that are pushing in one direction rather than to another. Here is information on the synthetic significance of the path of destiny number.

Path 1 - Archetype of the Warrior
The archetype of the warrior can not stand taking orders. It 's a journey of action and individualism, authority and determination. Expresses the personality of a leader and guide. It shows innovative and willing to change. He has great confidence, courage and creativity. He must learn the virtue of compassion.

Trail 2 - The archetype of the Child
Sensitive very receptive. The second path leads to the search for harmony. Tact and kindness enable us to understand others well. Suits you the role of mediator, adviser and confidant. Sentimental favorite unions. The boy, however, must be careful not to cancel his neighbors.

Path 3 - The archetype of the Fool
For the Jester of great importance to express themselves, communicate. E 'with sympathy and humor. Original, lucky, smart, confident and positive. It is easily the center of attention. At number three is not recommended for routine work. His weak point is the need of continuous applause of others.

Path 4
- Archetype Manufacturer
Organized, efficient and good with his feet on the ground. The manufacturer needs stability and security. It goes into the future with a slow, persistent. The Manufacturer complies with the rules to achieve its objectives. Also in the field sentimental prudence prevails. The flaw? The inflexibility.

Trail 5 - The archetype of the Seeker
The trail number five shows the way of change. The seeker strongly defends freedom and independence. It 'turns out to be curious and full dynamism. Perhaps exceeds in all areas. For that reason must seek moderation and tolerance to achieve the right balance of health, work and suffering.

Trail 6 - Archetype of the Guardian
The trail leads to six the number of security and research responsibilities in the family. The guardian angel is the archetype of love and sense of beauty, as well as compassion, idealism, generosity. Acts motivated by reasons of friendship and affection. On this road there are also sensuality and good humor. To be developed is the reflection before braiding relations.

Trail 7 - Archetype of the Wise
This is a very rich inner journey. He moved to the spiritual or scientific. It tends to perfection in knowledge and wisdom. The paper shows original and independent, with a sense of logical and inquisitive. He must learn to shrug the shoulders excess of seriousness.

Trail 8 - The archetype of the Sovereign
The sovereign power is pushed into the material life. Ambitious, idealistic. It is shown bold and combative, two qualities that make it close to the peaks of power. On this path, however, should search for the archetypal number 8 a certain spirituality that move in the right direction every action.

Trail 9 - The archetype of the Liberator to free
it an exciting life. E 'pushed to the defense of great causes, because it is very sensitive to the ideals and universal love. The path number 9 announces good chance of success, also because she attract the attention of those around him. He must learn to reduce its over-critical.

Trail 11 - The archetype of genius
belongs to the higher intelligence. The Genius has a hunch very strong. Brilliant and unconventional, the character looks in particular at the future. Sa attract the attention of others, possessing a great charm. A fault is to disperse the energy excessively.

Trail 22 - The archetype of the Creator
This street leads to the creation of large missions. The number 22 will take you to assume an important role in the community, nationally or internationally. Ambition and aptitude for creativity and innovation. The danger to the archetype of the Creator is to burn too large for needs.


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