Sunday, April 1, 2007

Are We Gaining Daylight

What is the poet Orpheus and the magical seven-stringed lyre

"A legend says that Orpheus, the poet had received from the god Apollo by a seven-stringed lyre magical powers. When he sang accompanying himself on that instrument, he charmed the gods and men, tamed the wild beasts and could even to move the rocks.

This seven-stringed lyre, which has done so much to dream musicians and poets, in fact all we have. Yes, we own because each of us is himself the lyre. The seven strings that make up our seven bodies are: physical, etheric, astral, mental, causal, and buddhic atmic.

Each string, each body has its own vibration, and has the function to communicate with a specific region of the visible and invisible worlds, and their inhabitants. To enter into harmonious relations with those regions, then we must work every day on our various parts, and this work is called purification, enlightenment and resurrection. "
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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