Sunday, April 1, 2007

Frustration Card Game Steps

The dance numbers

Dance into the extraordinary power of numbers

The numbers are messengers and universal archetypes, thin wires of the grid Intelligence - Universal Mind - that creates the vibration with the visible world of matter and the invisible world of emotions, thoughts, aspirations.

The Dance of the Numbers is an experiential method of awakening of human potential, combining the arts of numerology school of Pythagoras, according to the law of numbers, the dance of ecstasy, focused on shamanic trance, to find natural sources of human knowledge, to rebalance the body's energy system, emotional and subtle.

Learn to dance life, listening to tales of numbers, also allows you to awaken your senses and intuition, increasing the centering, positive and brotherhood.

Since pioneering courage of one, sharing the spirit of the nine meetings, with the creative dance numbers, the extraordinary forces that support its existence.


- explore the dance of its vision, the strength of life, the mysteries of love, let ourselves be guided by the energy of knowledge of numbers.

- positions of power and perform dances spontaneous individual, couple and group led by the musicality, the frequency and the intrinsic geometry of the sacred numbers chosen: Courage 1 - 2 Sensitivity - Creativity 3 - 4 Order - 5 Sensuality - Love 6 - 7 Perfection - Power 8 - 9 Brotherhood - 11 Genius - Intensity 22 - 33 Service - 44 Healing.

- share the experience when the word is able to resume his place of power.

weekly workshop and seminars with Renato Tittarelli.


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