Monday, April 2, 2007

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Numerology is the science that studies the psychic and esoteric meaning of the numbers and that had its origins with Pythagoras and substantial Jewish Kabbalah. The numbers are not considered only as arithmetic quantity, but are intended as universal archetypes and symbols, and as abstract entities, each of which has a particular frequency, presides over a function, with an active role within the Unit and a particular vision of the unit.

Numerology is considered the numbers in terms of both quantity than quality, expressing fully the holistic approach characteristic of antiquity where the Spirit and matter are unified in Being, the essence of things.

Nietzsche said that the world was a mysterious text to decipher everything. And if the world is mysterious, mysterious energy and are more symbolic of numerology, mystery will be how to operate the numerologist. But we will try to make it easier to understand the principles that govern this way to work together in order to assess the validity and allow its application in today's world.

Numerology is a way of esoteric knowledge, present in all the most ancient civilizations, which can be traced back at least 11,000 years ago, although the impulse experienced the most intense and has impressed Pythagoras of Samos in Greece, the great philosopher, initiated and mathematical genius, who lived in the sixth century BC, which had improved his knowledge at the priests of ancient Egypt. According to Pythagoras

everything is number. And each number corresponds to a symbol, a sound, the letters of the alphabet, the planets. The numbers determine rhythm. The rhythm is what gives the movement, which allows the universe to exist and to matter in an orderly manner.

I the number is a being of a spiritual and has its own particular laws ed'evoluzione construction. A number represented or imagined with any character (Roman, Chinese, Sanskrit) or any color (yellow, green, red, black) is always the same and always has the same meaning.

The primary purpose of the existence of Pythagoras was to try to elevate humanity by the attitude of a number (egocentric) to that of the number nine (Awareness). Thanks to his wonderful insights into different levels of awareness that human soul is the microcosm, the macrocosm is uniform with a consistent practice math concepts, musical, mystical, astronomical, and scientific philosophy that is great developments in the following centuries, so as to enable the numerology of up to us.

Numerology is based on the science of numbers, cause and essence of everything and the principle of intelligence, non-randomness of events in the universe. Should distinguish the quantitative study (pursued by the present mathematical) and qualitatively (prosecuted in the centers of ancient initiatory). We must not confuse the numbers (which are of beings) with the figures (which are the clothes).

Numerology is the science that finds correspondences between numbers and the different aspects of life in the universe (macrocosm), and then the life of man (microcosm) of his character, purpose and destiny of his existence.


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