Thursday, September 11, 2008

Aftermarket Rear View Camera Installation

It starts with the CDF of September ...

After the summer break, the University again. The 10th was held on the Faculty Council in September. These
its agenda items:

1. Communications from the Dean;

As you read today's dall'Adige , the University has not registered this year than last year. And we may follow the trend. On September 8, 2007, enrolled in the first year of lights and Sociology were 90, exactly a year after we got to 78. Why? The new system of taxation? The delay with which the inscriptions have been opened? However, we hope to recover in the last few days ...
Second Communication is the holding of elections by the university rector (4:05 November)

2. Agreement between the University of Trento and the University of Voronezh-Glinka and the Agricultural Academy of Moscow "KA-Timiryazev"

But as an agreement with Academy of Agriculture in Moscow? I must admit, reading the convocation of the Faculty Council, I was left puzzled. The speech of prof. Scaglia (who oversaw the practice) but I was reassured. The agreement in fact, covers areas of research already underway. In particular, this academy has in its files, documents relating to the Italian expedition in Russia during the Second World War. Recently, it been declassified State from these papers: the Department of History will be fun!

3. Approval posters studies academic year 2008/09;
4. Programming 2008/2009 academic year teaching;

There are no delays. Due to double maternity (auguri!), the secretariats are very short-staffed. So on this front - again! - All postponed. You may wonder: why not hire someone, even only for the period necessary? Answer: because the cuts made by the Ministry of the University expressly prohibits!

5. Mutilations aa 2008.2009;

The mutilations are a sort of "borrowing" of teachers among the faculty. A faculty, who wants to offer a course but has not as its faculty someone skilled in that area, it asks another a teacher who can keep it. Each year the faculty are asking each other mutilations. Basically, they have been reconfirmed by the mutilations of the past year.

6. Careers male and female students;

Alias \u200b\u200bthe recognition of credits for those who return dall'Erasmus: approved.

7. Any other business;

Cause of budget overruns, the library has reduced the amount on the purchase of monographs. This is particularly serious because it means "fewer books for all", the Council decided to send a formal note to express the Administration his concern and asked the Dean to seek clarification within the Academic Senate. Thinking aloud, I can not think of two things:
a) what is the point to build a huge library like the one being built in the square San Severino, if you also reduce the funds for supply of books? It 'makes sense to spend all the container at the expense of content?
b) and in all this, what happened to the student representative to the Board of Library? Why this deafening silence and guilty on a subject so important?
For the record: After this comment I checked the site because even I knew who he was. E 'Marco Tonini (panel). In the Senate tiferò however for Samuel Tadesse and Francis Planchestainer: I hope that on such a claim will be acting jointly.


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