Friday, September 12, 2008

Why Is The North Face Logo On The Back

polls Gypsies and imbecile

not know if it's worse than being surrounded by idiots, or Gypsies, however, in the history of Albanian girl for a couple of days has been mistaken for Denise Pipitone there are both.

Gypsy is, or appears, the mother of the child.

Fool is the Italian tourist who, motivated by desire to take center stage, running from the police to report seeing a girl looking like Denise. Shit, there must be a photoshop in the brain these tourists, to identify a missing child for four years. But let's face the truth, a little will also influenced by the fact that he was a gypsy, is not it. We know that Gypsies steal babies. Even if no police do not ever pick them and if no magistrate incriminate them. Why steal them, then? Perhaps because they have so many of them are like drug addicts and they want those of others. Be ', however, on May 13 they caught one, in Naples, as he tried to kidnap a baby. Gliel'hanno made to pay: the Gypsy camp burnt. Strange though that still is not reaching the indictment by the court. It will be a common judge.

fool who is also thrown into jail on the testimony of the gypsy mythomaniac. Ah yes, the Gypsy has fallen into contradiction. Maybe have asked what color her hair and you are wrong. Too bad that the DNA test confirming the relationship. But that contradiction could be that of the gypsy, then? Something like: "is my daughter, I have not kidnapped, not other daughter, was born in 2000, I have not kidnapped, not my daughter, no, I meant to say is my daughter" Hahaha you betrayed eh?

Idiots all of us, especially journalists, to amplify entire half-truths and nonsense, but always in the same direction: the child speaks Italian, and the DNA test proves that the gypsy is not the mother, the gypsy's suspicious behavior; and so on.

I hope no one ever put me in jail because a passer-by says that my daughter is actually a little girl kidnapped long ago and not seen again. No, I do not ever happen. Are not a gypsy.


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