Monday, October 1, 2007

How Much Are Haviannas Wholesale

Numeroastrologia: path 7 and the sign of Libra

October Let's enjoy a fantastic month, perfect for taking an inner journey rich in spiritual or scientific research.

is in numerology to work with the energy and the fundamental themes of 7 for personal growth, which in numerology energy corresponds to the Path 7 - The archetype of the Wise - Sector 7 - Sign Libra - Planet Venus - Air Element .
concerns particularly those who have the numerological theme, in a key position, number 7 or who were born on days 7 or 16 or 25 or who belong to the sign of Libra

They strive for perfection in the arts knowledge and wisdom, want to be original and independent, have a logical and inquisitive, they can sometimes guilty of over-seriousness and self-critical and critical spirit.

If we enter the course number astrology we noted that among all the signs, Libra is the one that is most associated to the sphere of relations, which according to the developmental level of the individual soul will be sought in the aspect of quantity or quality.

In both cases, the research focus in the report will look idealistic and sacral.
Instinct genuine sign of this research, the natural balance between opposites, releasing the identification and promotion of partial the establishment of balanced relations. In the symbolic language of astrology

Libra mainly shows the need for a two-way communication.
It 's the sign of diplomatic skills and the ability to see things from their point of view, and with empathy. Being represented on 7

dall'archetipo of the Wise will constantly search for balance and harmony in every sector.

One way of success and resolution of any tension or problematic aspect is the ability to clearly express their wishes and needs and clearly define their goals and boundaries. The

7, sacred number par excellence, makes thoughtful, philosophical, religious.
Under the influence of the number seven, people become extremely sensitive and emotional, talkative and are living in fantasy.

So can meet a lot of misunderstandings ed'insuccessi, while managing to find ways to get out and learn from it moral.

The lesson is that it is more practical.
ol 'have as their highest .


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