Saturday, September 15, 2007

Mens Brazilian Wax In Killeen

bomb Iraq

Internet, newspapers are now filled by two decades of pages and pages about Berlusconi. Even if you never speak Berlusca bad enough, I find that there is a character of his team rather widely underestimated and that has always caught my attention. I'm talking about what a university professor full of arrogance, which always has the air of the schoolboy nerd who is given a much lower rate to those who believe they deserve and by the name of Giulio Tremonti.

Recently I had the guts to look in full (even a little 'more, like I'm going to tell) a transmission in which Maria Latella was our guest. Let's leave out the attitude with which did not respond to questions, simply as a pretext for seizing the half-hour speech that was prepared (after all, is a student of the Knight) omit even the angry rudeness with which he gave on Voice anchorwoman who wanted to bring in binary transmission. The gem was the dialogue with the economic expert (a professor of Florence which I am sorry I do not remember the name), who has quietly scrapped its captious Prodi's objections to the statements on the economy. Tremonti has given the statements that the expert did not (the budget can not heal until you first boost the economy, while the expert said the opposite, you can not revive the economy without first remit to place the accounts). So said the snooty "rivediamoci the tape of the show", meaning: I challenge you, things go as I say. Tremonti, however, does not know that on Sky transmissions are postponed several times and cycles, as in this case, and of course, with a little 'patience, I verified that he was wrong (not that I doubted).

Pleasant also treat nuclear power. Latella's asked what he voted in the referendum on nuclear power in 1987. Just imagine: it was in the PSI with De Michelis who sided compactly and demagogic anti-nuclear (by the way, fellow citizens: we do not want to do the same with GMOs caxxate which at the time we did with nuclear power?). So I play against a button that € 100 voted against. Sly response: "I'm for nuclear."

I remember in 2001 when I still had some confidence in the self-styled guru of the economy. He came into the room cool cool of the ministry (there already, all right, but not for long), promising an economic boom. These my own ears heard the following statement in front of the desk Quintino Sella: "If by 2003 [I may be wrong on the year a little ed] the state budget is not balanced, I do not sit at this desk more.

What happened next, everybody knows that. There was no boom, and instead come to balance The deficit at the end of term was developed by bankruptcy. The day after taking service as a minister began to explain with an endless whining that things were going badly for the competition from China for the huge public debt, the "hole "in the accounts left by the Communists. But at least the first two realities, should not know from before, being a magician of the economy? Then came Sept. 11, another convenient excuse to not keep in order accounts.

I are even convinced that without Tremonti there would have been detrimental war in Iraq. Follow me: without the support of Italian, the opposite position in continental Europe, with its major countries, Italy, France, Germany, had perhaps sufficient weight to isolate those who wanted to attack Iraq: in fact, such an attack would appear so arbitrary as to deter even the warmonger Bush. Instead, Italy with Berlusconi's government chose the alliance with the U.S. than with neighboring countries. Ultimately, the war in Iraq can be traced back all'antieuropeismo Italy. But because Italy under Berlusconi was anti-European? Because Europe was seen as an opponent which opposed the creative financing (creator of Pardons and deficits), as practiced by Tremonti. So you come from Tremonti, through the accounts loaded, the anti-Europe, the pro-American, and war.

I understand that my opinion may be influenced by my dislike of this presumptuous polemicist dispenser of pardons. Unfortunately, in history you can not have rebuttal.


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