Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dora Goodie Bags I Can Make

that penalty

The only answer I can give me the question "but why bring more Ministers of Education and the University of thickness so little?" so is that they limit themselves to endorse the decisions of others. Gelmini, if not stupid, I do not know what to say, has understood very well, but agrees to pretend the same. A post of minister is tempting to thirty-five novice policy, and not only that.

talk about the latest output of this autodichiaratasi pasdaran the quality of research and the fight against the barons. I quote from the website of La Repubblica:

The objectives of the reform is to remove "the ideology of egalitarianism:" We want to erase from the school and the university's ideology of egalitarianism, of 18 or 6 political at all, and we want to do because we have faith in people. "

Now, anyone who knows the least of the university is aware that if there is a problem in Italy is not one of 18 political, but rather the large number of dropouts. In the Faculty of Engineering is nearly 50% and is not that people like me on the other side of the chair is a much fun, in throwing. Why reject a student means examining him two more times.

No, my dear minister, that air of santarellina not enough to convince me of your lies. Confesses that instead spend your money for college government prefers to bestow gifts to drivers, to boyfriends or Alitalia to cancel the ICI for the houses of the wealthy. They are not hypothetical examples, but real money diverted from the coffers of the universities to those destinations from former and current government. ICI then: I paid € 140, a crumb compared to 20,000 of tax. In return, I would have gladly continued to pay the fee. The more that money went to my town. But I digress. Say, dear Gelmini, which according to your short-sighted government every other possible use for public money is better than giving it to the University. Admit it. You will earn a sympathizer.


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