Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Anniversary Funny Messages

University and barons

University, in these times, the network is full. So I feel relieved of the obligation to explain what, if anything is wrong with the action of the government. They do it better than I distinguished scholars, excellent journalists, even Nature defines "suicide" of such measures.

So, I feel entitled to express only my state of mind, which is of great bitterness.

I did not vote the Berlusconi government. However, I recognize that it expresses the views and ideas of the majority of Italians. It expresses the opposition, sometimes more than justified, arrogance, inefficiency, all'autoreferenzialità many public buildings, ministries, schools, courts, universities in fact. So far I understand them. But what I really do not understand is the feeling of revenge, almost of liberation, which all too clearly evident from their release in front of the strangulation of the public University. In the face of rules that can disturb a little the "barons" and the cliques that manage degree programs with a single student, perhaps, but certainly their knees degree courses that have three hundred of students and scholars who have no other funds to draw on for research if not the public. Sometimes I think these people would be quite upset if the shut own universities. But you have to tell them they are like the husband to spite his wife cut off his balls.

So, let's be clear: the University is not the barons or the Communists. E 'of all. Damage is like weeding. It means laying the foundations for a further retreat of our country. We must not cut funding to the University: to be increased.

If we manage to lay off fancazzisti and I cut out the deadwood, which often turn on the light in my hallway in the morning and the evening off, I'll be happy. E with me the majority of university teachers.


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