Monday, February 14, 2011

Is Cubefield An Ipod App?

all began 'with a 9-1

The devil and holy water, the grasshopper and the ant, Athens and Sparta .... and who knows 'how many other dualisms could spend to establish the Derby of Italy, Inter Juve.Una rivalry' that goes beyond the purely sporting aspects .. Two philosophies of life and sports that can compare and face without even trying to capirsi.Due most families' could not be different, an ode which has its roots in times lontani.Un famous Juventus-Inter 9-1 with Sivori and Charles to humiliate the boys in the spring of Inter protesta.Fu mandates in the field for the first attempt to counter the Moratti family domain of the Agnelli family in football italiano.Angelo Moratti rebelled 'a decision by the CAF ordering the coach to take the field the ragazzini.Il 60-61 season was the first he saw a head to head for the title between Juventus and inter.Il April 16 there was direct confrontation in Turin but the game was suspended for an invasion of campo.La commission which was to judge granted espisodio 0 2 Inter desk so that 'he had smoothed the way towards the appeal in exchange scudetto.Ma the Caf' verdict ordering repeat gara.Moratti went 'into a rage because he believed that Umberto Agnelli, president of Juventus, had heavily influenced commissione.Da here the first large strappo.Un decisione.Il resounding clear message: "We can still win (the match was replayed ed) but I do not want to do, do not we put you on the same floor." And this vaunted superiority 'moral' always been an obsession of the Moratti family, exacerbated in that championship away from Sivori, 9 to 1 in that famous champions Argentina took the boys game with Inter irridendondoli Angelo Moratti an arrogance that he could not 'never dimenticare.E , his face livid with rage at his son Max in the stands on the foul on Ronaldo Iuliano and it 'a clear continuation.
Massimo Moratti is not 'never been able to digest this episodio.Lo has always seen as the tip of an iceberg of injustice against her from the lobby perpretate referees -Agnelli.Questa anger added to the frustration of 10 years of bad choices (grant Real Madrid's Roberto Carlos to name the most 'glaring) gave birth Calciopoli.L' interaction was' put on the same piano.Per respond to a series of small injustices has sparked an infernal machine designed to destroy the enemy sempre.Ci of a child had tried mezzucci crimanale Maximus had even used false passports to field a team even more 'competitiva.Recoba played for years with a passport falso.Lo same day as the famous episode of Ronaldo down the Uruguayan player in the field without having the licenses for the farlo.Ma MORALITY 'Inter failed discussione.Avevano unlimited credit to the tanker and its amici.E so' they felt in diritto.Calciopoli and 'daughter of this frustration and a football malato.Eliminando Moggi and Juventus are thought to have turned well-meaning pagina.Pensavano not have to see more things 'so'
So 'The InterTelecom intercepting everyone and then made a nice cernita.Il colonel of the carabinieri Auricchio I select' intercepted phone calls made him the second chance '. Thus was born' phony investigation that harbor 'to process sport ridiculous, so ridiculous that Juve are not even difese.Sembro 'defense "from strange interlude." The lawyers were almost as inadequate Moggi he had left to go to these childish and unnecessary comportamenti.La Serie B for Juve was for Moratti and his clique the coveted vendetta.La anger of his father Angelo was riscattata.Vedere Juventus Crotone will play 'was a satisfaction enorme.Minore will' was the self-righteous satisfaction that subsequent years have witnessed this

and more ....
The small ransom for Juventus last night is not 'anything .... a drop in the number mare.Squadra dismembered b.Moratti torbido.Si has stirred in and' put on the same level as the Committee of 60 phony 61.Allora Umberto Agnelli was president during FGIC Calciopoli it was Guido Rossi (Member of the Board of Inter.) The vaunted morality ' dell'INTERPDTELECOM it 's never existed


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