Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Art Of Playing Rock Guitar

The courage of a rich man (all)

Good evening Esteban saved his skin or better panchina.Rafa Benitez was, they say, with only a thin thread to the Inter bench. The small Twente could send him to the proper casa.Ma Rafa deserves perhaps more chances and fate seems to rest if averglile concesse.Del deserves all these possibilities' for accessorie.Sicuramente coraggio.Chi never would have agreed on the Inter bench after Mourinho? And after a legendary season? Only a fool or .... Rafa.Un man armed with a placid 'and a refined' out of the ordinary ... a man of another man and a football workout .. perhaps not suitable for a society 'hysterical and emotional as the Inter ... a man very different from the fierce Mou ... a man with a tender heart ... or maybe not ... who would have resisted this ?.... ... So Rafa
force .... well you deserve to be there.


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