Sunday, June 6, 2010

All Melina Velba Vids

The economic measure

belong to one of those categories, university professors, quite badly affected by the operation coming up. Nor is it the first time when it was already established, the current government had decided to remove immediately any automatic salary brackets. To be honest, even their predecessors had done something similar. Let's say you are easy money to be recovered.

In this regard, I offer my brief thoughts short.
  1. beat us with a light heart: the state sector is not a reservoir of votes for the right, few people took from us, and then a few will miss. To win an election just the control of TV.
  2. If this is a phase of serious crisis, as it seems, is just that state employees do it for the first sacrifices. After all, they are offset by the guarantee of a life in these dark times is a lot. It is true that one day, when the crisis has passed, you will need to catch up, since in some cases, our salaries are half of France or Germany.
  3. E 'right, then, that we will do our part. But it is even more imperative that those who did their part to if you ever got off lightly. Not to mention the abstract of tax evasion, it was crazy and monstrously unjust to remove the ICI to the wealthy (because of this it is: the mechanism of deductions, a modest dwelling was paying little or nothing). And maybe cry vengeance to God enormous amounts of money, the result of tax evasion and who knows what other crimes, have been cleaned with the mechanism of the tax shelter, paying only 5% of taxes? (For the uninitiated, the university teachers 'replacement taxes are higher than 55%.) E' to sign the proposal Travaglio: Who made the tax shelter, ask now, in retrospect, another 10-15%.
  4. already imagine the two previous objections to the idea of \u200b\u200bdoubling or tripling the rate of the tax shield. The first objection to rely on ethics: we made a pact, you declare that you have the money abroad in exchange for a certain amount, now it would be incorrect to contradict the commitment and ask for more. Balle! The State should not be ruthless to be very fair with those who have happily escaped the tax authorities for millions. Think quite a large population and to address the problem at its fourth week. For the second claim, people would trust more of amnesties and this would make it impossible for others in the future. In my opinion this in no way a disadvantage, but a good result.


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