Friday, July 21, 2006

Compare Symptoms Adrenal Fatigue Hypothyroidism

numbers to focus the mind

Everyone, sooner or later along the path of our lives, we realized that certain numbers are favorable (our or our lucky number), and vice versa, or that we are back with some frequency (in the form of telephone numbers, house numbers, dates, etc.).. With numerology you can finally discover the reason for this (because we are linked, for better or for worse).

Initiates, and not only them, say that what our mind can focus and see it can get. With numerology, we can know the essence of ourselves, to know him more deeply, as we would like to be displayed, enabling us to achieve our goals.

With it you can form a comprehensive view of our personality, our spiritual essence (who we are and where we came from) and that of others, the type and quality of relationships in which we are prepared, how to direct our investments or projects of care and attention according to their energy and consciousness of the period in which we live.

All this can be understood through the study of personal numbers that refer to the date of birth and the consonants and vowels that make up the full first and last name, not including the nicknames and diminutives (eg Joseph and Beppe).

Numerology is an ancient esoteric path of knowledge, this in the most ancient civilizations, based on the study of the science of numbers, considered essential or monads, that is power, knowledge and manifestation of everything in the universe, in union with the principle of non-chance or synchronicity of events. Among the great Pythagorean numerology of the past we can remember, started great, a genius of mathematics and numerology, which helped it reach us.

In modern times, where the numerical language at the base of information technology has enabled a rapid increase in the amount of shared data, the quality and clarity of inner vision of numerology is proving very useful to help us remember, accept and implement inherent in the divine plan for our lives and lead us to joy, purpose of life itself


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