Friday, January 7, 2011

To My Pregnant Sister Poems

Some pearl of good old Chuck! CHERRY

for fear of meeting Chuck Norris, Santa Claus delivers the gifts.

On Chuck Norris's ranch, the snow does not stick. He defends.

Chuck Norris can win a hula hoop racing with a semicircle.

When Chuck Norris takes a taxi, the driver has to pay. With life.

Playing chess Chuck Norris has a tower in A4. Since then all traffic is blocked on the Milan-Venice.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Basketball Game Sweeper


a central black guy born in sunny Florida with being provincial, with being a little becomes great? What American basketball player hits a multimiliardiario with the ransom with the sport clean and romantic? Tracy Mcgrady is not 'even the typical American black guy from the ghetto that is one of many cities and Usa.Lui 'a good family, he has his mother in jail or his brother died in a settling of accounts between gangs and rivali.Lui' a boy almost normal. . and I 'always seemed a "condemned." From an early age predestined to be a super champion has always borne this unwillingly and pressione.Lui' normale.Lui a guy with that face a bit 'so' looks like a overgrown adolescent, looks like a young who has trouble getting up in the morning 'cause the big draws late sera.Tracy addormentato.La its face does not seem a successful and those perpetually half-closed eyelids and quell'andatura always caracollante could only cost you a great nickname genere.Il asleep Tracy.E that name ... then how can 'sample called Tracy? how can' one by that name and that face from sleepy baby to survive in the changing room full of NBA testosterone and machismo of camaraderie gang.A me has always been a tenderness infinita.E more and more 'I raised each time that his knees were weak crack.Od whenever his back forced him to spend long periods capricious in panchina.Da admirer I thought it a more' at its best levels, I'm hoping to relive moments like this
but Tracy McGrady and 'tornato.Vederlo hero again with the jersey for the Detroit Pistons gave me a great gioia.Contro the Celtics looked like a campione.Tracy his eyes swept the veil of tigre.Aveva maliconia that has always shadowed the volto.Tracy was awake.